Friday, February 27, 2004


The festival of love, which is celebrated on February 14 each year is an expression of what the people believed in their pagan religion to be divine love. This festival was invented more than 1700 years ago, at a time when paganism was still prevalent among the Romans. Whilst their state was still idolatrous, they executed Saint Valentine, who had converted to Christianity after having been a pagan. When the Romans converted to Christianity, they made the day of his execution an occasion to celebrate the martyrs of love. This festival is still celebrated in the Americas and Europe, to declare feelings of friendship and to renew the covenant of love between spouses and lovers. This festival now has great social and economic significance. The Sunday Tribune writes " For young and old , February 14 is a day to express their affection to their sweethearts. In the past this was a holiday for Christians to remember and to celebrate the life of a martyr, St. Valentine, He was a priest who lived near Rome around 270 A.D." It is quite evident from the above excerpt that Valentine's day has its origination and significance in the sacrifices of a Christian personality. This in itself will quite clearly illustrate to any Muslim with even an iota of Imaan how repugnant any involvement or recognition of such a day is and to what extent it goes against the spirit of Islam. Many Muslims forfeit their identity and take to heart un-Islamic practices. By joining the non believers in their occasions of celebration, we fall into the grave warning given to us by none other than our Noble Master Rasulullah (S.A.W.), "He who will imitate a nation will be raised up among them on the Day of Qiyaamah." (Mishkaat) Muslims are advised to distinguish themselves in their external appearance adopting Islamic ways and methods in all their affairs, whether worldly or Deeni. By this, it is meant that Muslims are recognized and identified by a single religious culture or code, which is purely Islamic. Islam prohibits adoption of the ways and appearance of other beliefs, cultures, customs and nations. Therefore it is very essential that Muslims guard themselves against assimilation into other non-Muslim cultures. May Allah Ta'ala give us all the Tawfeeq and guidance to recognize all the media attention and advertisement surrounding this occasion for the Shaytaan plot that it in fact is, and may He enable us to shun such practices, Aameen.

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