Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Warnings for a Muslim Wife

Rasulullah SAW said that Shaitan (the devil) sits on his throne daily and dispatched his agents to work among human beings. One of the agents returns and says that I made a certain person commit a sin, another says I got so and so involved in this offence. Upon listening to all this Shaitan says that you have done nothing great. Eventually one representative comes and says that I saw a husband and wife extremely devoted to each other. I sowed the seeds of enmity between them. On hearing this Shaitan becomes happy and embracing his agent says that you have achieved something great. (Mishkat)

It is reported from Hazrat Ibn Umar (ra) that Rasulullah SAW said that when a woman leaves her home without her husband's consent, all the angels of the skies and the entire universe, curse her until she returns home. (Tabrani)

Rasulullah (SAW) said that the woman who asks her husband for a divorce without any valid reason, the fragrance of heaven will be forbidden for her. (Tirmizi)

Rasulullah (SAW) said, "O woman. Your heaven and hell is your husband (Meaning a woman will enter heaven if her husband is pleased and hell if her husband is displeased with her)." (Targeeb)

Rasulullah (SAW) said, "Keep yourselves away from strange women." One companion asked, "O Rasul of Allah SWT. Tell me, can the husband's brother mix freely with his sister-in-law?" Rasulullah SAW replied, "He is like death for that woman." (Bukhari and Muslim)

Rasulullah SAW said, "There are 3 persons whose prayers is not accepted nor does any good act of theirs reach the sky. Firstly, a runaway slave until he returns to his master. Secondly, a woman whose husband is displeased with her and thirdly an intoxicated person as long as he does not repent from using intoxicants."

Rasulullah SAW said: "When a husband calls his wife at night to have relations with her and she refuses without a valid Shari reason, she is cursed throughout the night by the angels.

Rasulullah SAW said, "O women. After sitting in a gathering of women, do not go home and describe any woman in detail to your husbands in such a manner that you present her whole appearance before him." (Muslim)

Rasulullah SAW said, "When heaven and hell were shown to me, I saw that the majority in hell were women. The reason for this is that women are ungrateful and disobedient to their husband. They will lead a comfortable life but as soon as there is a slight difference, they will immediately say that they never received any good from their husbands." (Mishkat)

Rasulullah SAW said, "It is not permissible for any woman to fast optionally without her husband's permission, and it is not permissible for her to allow anyone into his house without his consent." (Bukhari)

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