Friday, February 13, 2004

Jesus Became God By Vote

Historians and Bible scholars agree: the doctrine of the trinity was
not derived from, but later foisted onto the NT. Jesus became God by
vote, was twice demoted back to human, then finally and permantly
elevated to godhood. But if anyone wishes to believe that God
sacrificed himself to appease himself, then revived himself to rise
and sit at his own right hand, go right ahead.

The dogma of the Trinity displays its contradictions with true
bravery. The Deity divided into three divine persons, and yet these
three persons forming only one God; of these three the first only
being self-existent, the two others deriving their existence from the
first, and yet these three persons being considered as perfectly
equal; each having his special distinct character, his individual
qualities, wanting in the other two, and yet each one of the three
being supposed to possess the fullness of perfection-here, it must be
confessed, we have the deification of the contradictory.

The Trinity: As both God and Man, Jesus is both created and uncreated:
Contradiction! God is omniscient. If Jesus is part of the trinity then
he also must be omniscient. But if he is human then he is not
omniscient. Contradiction! Does the Bible portray Jesus as omniscient?
No. If Jesus is identical with God, they're both morally perfect. But
the morally perfect can't be tempted. Jesus was tempted.Contradiction!
Contradiction is the hallmark of falsehood.

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