Thursday, February 02, 2006

A Call for Peace

The Noble Eagle of Arabia beseeches all Moslem Nations to abandon the creed of the Holy War that is only carried out by Prophets and Holy Beings;Those Nations are also advised to avoid exploiting the Tolerant Mohammadan Moslem Law in terrorist mundane struggles and activities,because the Monstrous Genie of the Crusades has begun to rise from its magic lantern after a very old and long slumber;It will not hesitate a bit to treat Moslems in the same fashion,and use the Crusade Holy War to destroy the Divine Ka'ba,the Holy Mosque of the Tolerant Prophet Mohammad,the Holy Mosque of Al_Aqsaa,and all Houses of Worship of Islam around the world.
This Monster will also justify the extermination of Moslems on Planet Earth in cooperation with its Giant Jewish Ally,that has the upper hand over the political and economical policies of the Christian Western Governments.
It is time that Moslem Nations take the wise decision of seperating Religion from the Politics of the State like the Christian Nations did a long time ago,because Moslems don't have a chance in hell to defend themselves against the supper powers and weapons of mass destruction of the Christian Nations if their people put on the tempting White Red_ Crossed Cloak of the Ancient Crusades and declare the Holy War on Moslems to guard themselves against the terrorist onslaughts of the ignorant and criminal Moslem infidels who exploit the Tolerant Mohammadan Moslem Law for their own develish deeds that God and his Tolerant Prophet Mohammad had not ordained in the Holy Qura'n and the Holy Haddith and Sunnah.
It is not too late for the true followers of the Beloved and Tolerant Mohammad of Arabia to disobey the false commands of their religious leaders who call for the Holy War and terrorist acts against innocent Christian and Jewish civilians in order to show the real face of the Divine Tolerance of the True Mohammadan Moslem Law,because True Divine Religions call for peace,love,and harmony among all nations of the Human Race.
The Noble Eagle of Arabia

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