When converts become easy pickings for extremists
Irfan Yusuf - Australia
THE headline from the Weekend Australian (12-13 August 2006) screamed out:
"Terror's new 'white converts'". Don Stewart-Whyte's arrest shows extreme
forms of Islam sometimes attract new recruits from unexpected quarters.
Like Christianity, Islam actively seeks recruits. Unlike Christianity, Islam
has no central church or priestly hierarchy. Converts don't go on any
register. The process of conversion is quite simple – just recite a
two-sentence Arabic creed. No priest or witnesses are required. People even
convert on internet chat channels.
Islam attracts people from all walks of life. Prominent Aussie converts
include former diplomats, prominent sportspeople and a former ABC foreign
correspondent. A convert now heads the Islamic Council of Victoria.
Muslim converts often prefer to be known as "reverts". Muslims don't believe
inherited or "original" sin. Babies are born naturally sinless. Hence
converts claim they have merely "reverted" to that original sinlessness.
People turn to Islam and other non-Christian faiths for any number of
reasons. They might feel outcasts in conventional society or disillusioned
with aspects of mainstream culture. They might even be searching for an
alternative lifestyle.
Mainstream religion isn't a problem in Australia. Most Muslim Aussies treat
their faith as a deeply personal affair. Religion only becomes collective
during religious festivals or at weekly Sunday (or in the case of Muslims,
Friday) services.
Islam's core is deeply spiritual Sufi tradition Sunni Muslims describe as
tasawwuf and Shia Muslims describe as irfan. It's the stuff that inspires
Turkey's whirling dervishes. To this day, translations of Sufi poet Rumi
remain the biggest selling poetry books in the US.
Most converts enter Islam after exposure to Sufi teaching for reasons
similar to the attraction of Tibetan Buddhism.
Islam isn't the only faith be hijacked by fringe extremists. In Sri Lanka,
deeply pacifist Hinduism has been hijacked by Tamil Tigers who have turned
suicide bombing into an art-form.
Mainstream Muslims take for granted that Islam forbids suicide. The Prophet
Muhammad said that the first man to be judged and sent to hell would be a
person who claimed to have died as a martyr. In fact, that person didn't die
for God but only to be glorified by others after death.
Fringe politicised Islam has few followers among migrant Muslims.
Australia's radical "thick-Sheiks" have few followers among migrant Muslims,
tending to attract Muslim youth and converts.
Mainstream Muslims aren't a security threat, but failure of mainstream
institutions to provide facilities for young people and converts is.
Converts bring to the Muslim community a zeal which many migrant Muslims
born into Islam don't share.
Converts feel frustrated when ethnicity and migrant culture are presented as
Islam by Muslim leaders. They are angered at imams who cannot speak English
and at leaders making goofy public statements. Some non-European imams
expect converts to abandon parts of Western culture, to change their names
and to separate from their families.
Dean Jones recently described an observant South African cricketer as a
terrorist. His gaffe reflects popular attitudes to Islam. Converts often
hide their faith for fear of non-Muslim families and networks ostracising
them. Younger converts are often dependent on their parents. The combined
stress of family break-up and lack of support from "ethnic" Muslims is a
source of enormous stress for converts.
New Muslims with no family support and on the fringes of Muslim communities
fall into a dangerous twilight zone. Compounded with other factors (such as
un-medicated depression), they are fresh pickings for extremist groups.
One effective ways Muslim communities can contribute to fighting terror is
to be more welcoming to converts. Support services should be set up and
mosques should break down their cultural and linguistic barriers. When Islam
becomes a genuinely Australian religion and not just a cultural artefact,
terrorists will be forced to look elsewhere for recruits.
(Irfan Yusuf is a Sydney lawyer. An edited version of this article was
published in the Adelaide Advertiser on 15 August 2006.)
Personally I was blessed to find the right Masjid.
PEACE and TOLERANCE, cost's us NOTHING, Lets ALL just do it. These are my View's and the Material's, that I have received from emails and when I surf the Internet. I do NOT and WILL NEVER approve of any form of terrorism (doing or promoting), In any Place on this Earth, especially in The OCCUPIED Palestinian Land. May The Creator of ALL thing's grant us peace and Tolerance for All
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Girl, 12, 'abducted for arranged marriage' (This still happen's even though it's against Islam)
David Fickling
Tuesday August 29, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
A 12-year-old girl abducted from Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides, could have been taken to Pakistan for an arranged marriage to a 25-year-old man, relatives said today.
Molly Campbell, also known as Misbah Iram Ahmed Rana, is believed to be with her father's relatives in either Lahore or Karachi after being taken from outside her school on Friday morning.
Her 18-year-old sister, Tahmina, is understood to have taken her to Stornoway airport to meet her father, Sajad Ahmed Rana. All three flew to Glasgow and then on to Pakistan.
Molly's grandmother, Violet Robertson, told the Daily Record newspaper that the girl's father had tried to abduct her before, and said he intended to marry her to a man in Pakistan.
"It's just terrible. Molly is only a little girl," she said. "It's an arranged marriage. She doesn't know the man. Molly doesn't want to go to Pakistan. She wants to stay with her mum."
Molly's 38-year-old mother, Louise Campbell, has legal custody of her. Ms Robertson said the pair had been living in Lewis after being driven from Glasgow and then the village of Drummore, in Dumfries and Galloway, by her father's attempts to get her back.
"He turned up outside her school a few months ago and tried to snatch her, but she managed to get away," Ms Robertson said. "Molly's mum has been running from Sajad for a long time now. He won't hand Molly back - never. I'm scared that's her gone for good."
Ms Campbell will appeal for her daughter's return at a press conference in Stornoway later today.
The couple met when Ms Campbell was 16 and Mr Rana was 23 and both were working at market stalls in Glasgow. They married in a Muslim ceremony in 1984, and Molly was the youngest of four children.
All four had initially stayed with Mr Rana after the marriage broke up before deciding to move back in with Ms Campbell after their father returned to Pakistan.
"For a while, everything was good and Louise was really happy," Ms Robertson said. "But it soon became clear that Sajad wouldn't rest until he had his family back in Pakistan with him.
"Last year, Adam and Tahmina [Molly's brothers] decided they wanted to go back to Pakistan to live, and Omar decided to get married and went off to live in London.
"But Sajad was furious that Molly was still in Scotland with Louise. He decided he wanted her back with him. Sajad has taken away my grandkids, and the whole family has lived in fear because of him."
Ms Robertson said Ms Campbell had changed Molly's schools in an attempt to prevent Mr Rana from tracking her down, as well as enrolling her under an assumed name and cutting off contact with relatives. She said Mr Rana had hired private investigators to track his daughter down.
Police described Molly as 5ft 4in tall, of medium build, with dark shoulder-length hair and a sallow complexion.
Tuesday August 29, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
A 12-year-old girl abducted from Lewis, in the Outer Hebrides, could have been taken to Pakistan for an arranged marriage to a 25-year-old man, relatives said today.
Molly Campbell, also known as Misbah Iram Ahmed Rana, is believed to be with her father's relatives in either Lahore or Karachi after being taken from outside her school on Friday morning.
Her 18-year-old sister, Tahmina, is understood to have taken her to Stornoway airport to meet her father, Sajad Ahmed Rana. All three flew to Glasgow and then on to Pakistan.
Molly's grandmother, Violet Robertson, told the Daily Record newspaper that the girl's father had tried to abduct her before, and said he intended to marry her to a man in Pakistan.
"It's just terrible. Molly is only a little girl," she said. "It's an arranged marriage. She doesn't know the man. Molly doesn't want to go to Pakistan. She wants to stay with her mum."
Molly's 38-year-old mother, Louise Campbell, has legal custody of her. Ms Robertson said the pair had been living in Lewis after being driven from Glasgow and then the village of Drummore, in Dumfries and Galloway, by her father's attempts to get her back.
"He turned up outside her school a few months ago and tried to snatch her, but she managed to get away," Ms Robertson said. "Molly's mum has been running from Sajad for a long time now. He won't hand Molly back - never. I'm scared that's her gone for good."
Ms Campbell will appeal for her daughter's return at a press conference in Stornoway later today.
The couple met when Ms Campbell was 16 and Mr Rana was 23 and both were working at market stalls in Glasgow. They married in a Muslim ceremony in 1984, and Molly was the youngest of four children.
All four had initially stayed with Mr Rana after the marriage broke up before deciding to move back in with Ms Campbell after their father returned to Pakistan.
"For a while, everything was good and Louise was really happy," Ms Robertson said. "But it soon became clear that Sajad wouldn't rest until he had his family back in Pakistan with him.
"Last year, Adam and Tahmina [Molly's brothers] decided they wanted to go back to Pakistan to live, and Omar decided to get married and went off to live in London.
"But Sajad was furious that Molly was still in Scotland with Louise. He decided he wanted her back with him. Sajad has taken away my grandkids, and the whole family has lived in fear because of him."
Ms Robertson said Ms Campbell had changed Molly's schools in an attempt to prevent Mr Rana from tracking her down, as well as enrolling her under an assumed name and cutting off contact with relatives. She said Mr Rana had hired private investigators to track his daughter down.
Police described Molly as 5ft 4in tall, of medium build, with dark shoulder-length hair and a sallow complexion.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Close Guantanamo poem
Guantanamo, a place with no soul,
where laws don’t apply,
It’s a legal black hole.
In orange jumpsuits and cages they remain,
for fours years and more they have suffered this pain.
No charges, no trial, no due process,
innocent or guilty they couldn’t care less.
Brought to Cuba from far and wide,
tortured so bad they would rather have died.
Guantanamo, a place with no soul,
where laws don’t apply,
it’s a legal black hole.
Captured and sold to the US by their own,
how have they ended up so far from home?
Families and lives torn apart,
this is the beginning - only the start.
Children labeled as terrorists,
a symbol of injustice is what it is.
Guantanamo, a place with no soul,
where laws don’t apply,
it’s a legal black hole.
Respect for human rights is what they preach,
what a shame its not what they teach.
For every Guantanamo there are many more,
this is what they have in store.
This is America's war on human rights,
without boundaries it reaches new heights.
Guantanamo, a place with no soul,
where laws don’t apply,
it’s a legal black hole.
Who are these people, what was their crime?
Have they not served their time?
America's war comes at a price,
just ask Dr. Condaleeza Rice,
The time has come for us to make a stand,
the time has come for us to demand...
Author: Anon
where laws don’t apply,
It’s a legal black hole.
In orange jumpsuits and cages they remain,
for fours years and more they have suffered this pain.
No charges, no trial, no due process,
innocent or guilty they couldn’t care less.
Brought to Cuba from far and wide,
tortured so bad they would rather have died.
Guantanamo, a place with no soul,
where laws don’t apply,
it’s a legal black hole.
Captured and sold to the US by their own,
how have they ended up so far from home?
Families and lives torn apart,
this is the beginning - only the start.
Children labeled as terrorists,
a symbol of injustice is what it is.
Guantanamo, a place with no soul,
where laws don’t apply,
it’s a legal black hole.
Respect for human rights is what they preach,
what a shame its not what they teach.
For every Guantanamo there are many more,
this is what they have in store.
This is America's war on human rights,
without boundaries it reaches new heights.
Guantanamo, a place with no soul,
where laws don’t apply,
it’s a legal black hole.
Who are these people, what was their crime?
Have they not served their time?
America's war comes at a price,
just ask Dr. Condaleeza Rice,
The time has come for us to make a stand,
the time has come for us to demand...
Author: Anon
Nasrallah sorry for scale of war
Sunday, 27 August 2006, 18:28 GMT 19:28 UK
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.
"Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it," he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.
He added that neither side was "heading towards a second round" of fighting.
More than 1,000 Lebanese died in the 34-day conflict which left much of southern Lebanon in ruins.
The Israeli offensive began after two Israeli soldiers were seized during a cross border raid by Hezbollah militants on 12 July.
Annan visit
"We did not think that there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war of this scale and magnitude," Sheikh Nasrallah said.
"Now you ask me if this was 11 July and there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war like the one that has taken place, would you go ahead with the kidnapping?
"I would say no, definitely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military and political reasons.
"Neither I, Hezbollah, prisoners in Israeli jails and nor the families of the prisoners would accept it."
Sheikh Nasrallah was speaking on the eve of a visit to Beirut by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to discuss the expanded UN peacekeeping force to be deployed in southern Lebanon.
A force of 15,000 soldiers, 7,000 of them from European Union states, will be deployed to maintain the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.
The UN hopes to have some of the troops on the ground within a week, although the foreign minister of Finland - which currently holds the EU presidency - has said it will be two to three months before the whole force is deployed.
The force will be led by France until February, at which time Italy will take command.
Speaking in Brussels on Friday, Mr Annan said the plan would only work if the enlarged UN force, called Unifil 2, was "strong, credible and robust".
Mr Annan said the force offered the possibility of a "durable ceasefire and long-term solution" to the Middle East crisis.
Hezbollah chief Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah has said he would not have ordered the capture of two Israeli soldiers if he had known it would lead to such a war.
"Had we known that the kidnapping of the soldiers would have led to this, we would definitely not have done it," he said in an interview on Lebanese TV.
He added that neither side was "heading towards a second round" of fighting.
More than 1,000 Lebanese died in the 34-day conflict which left much of southern Lebanon in ruins.
The Israeli offensive began after two Israeli soldiers were seized during a cross border raid by Hezbollah militants on 12 July.
Annan visit
"We did not think that there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war of this scale and magnitude," Sheikh Nasrallah said.
"Now you ask me if this was 11 July and there was a 1% chance that the kidnapping would lead to a war like the one that has taken place, would you go ahead with the kidnapping?
"I would say no, definitely not, for humanitarian, moral, social, security, military and political reasons.
"Neither I, Hezbollah, prisoners in Israeli jails and nor the families of the prisoners would accept it."
Sheikh Nasrallah was speaking on the eve of a visit to Beirut by United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan to discuss the expanded UN peacekeeping force to be deployed in southern Lebanon.
A force of 15,000 soldiers, 7,000 of them from European Union states, will be deployed to maintain the fragile ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah.
The UN hopes to have some of the troops on the ground within a week, although the foreign minister of Finland - which currently holds the EU presidency - has said it will be two to three months before the whole force is deployed.
The force will be led by France until February, at which time Italy will take command.
Speaking in Brussels on Friday, Mr Annan said the plan would only work if the enlarged UN force, called Unifil 2, was "strong, credible and robust".
Mr Annan said the force offered the possibility of a "durable ceasefire and long-term solution" to the Middle East crisis.
Man charged over triple stabbing
Sunday, 27 August 2006, 22:06 GMT 23:06 UK
An 18-year-old man arrested over a knife attack on three girls at a Dorset bus stop has been charged.
Charlotte Teague, 14, Sophie Hyne, 15, both from Bridport, and Kirsty Edwards, 17, from Staffordshire, were seriously hurt in the stabbing on Wednesday.
Ian Andrew Ruby, from Bridport, will appear before magistrates in Bournemouth on Monday.
The girls had just got off a bus in East Street. Dorset Police have not released details of the charge.
Kirsty was on holiday from Staffordshire, visiting Sophie and Charlotte.
They had been to an amusement arcade in nearby Weymouth before catching the No 31 bus home.
All three girls remain in a stable condition on a general ward in Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester.
An 18-year-old man arrested over a knife attack on three girls at a Dorset bus stop has been charged.
Charlotte Teague, 14, Sophie Hyne, 15, both from Bridport, and Kirsty Edwards, 17, from Staffordshire, were seriously hurt in the stabbing on Wednesday.
Ian Andrew Ruby, from Bridport, will appear before magistrates in Bournemouth on Monday.
The girls had just got off a bus in East Street. Dorset Police have not released details of the charge.
Kirsty was on holiday from Staffordshire, visiting Sophie and Charlotte.
They had been to an amusement arcade in nearby Weymouth before catching the No 31 bus home.
All three girls remain in a stable condition on a general ward in Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Coca Cola Advert on the "Dome of the Rock" Hoax
It has been reported on the internet that Coca-Cola has launched a grotesque advert in Israel depicting the Dome of the Rock with a Coke logo.

Letter to Coke:
I recently received, through email, a photo of a Coca-Cola advertisement in Israel. It basically emblazons your trademark over the Dome of the Rock.As a Muslim, of Arab heritage, I am outraged & disgusted.
However, I also feel that a global company of your stature would typically not stoop so low. I have been unable to attach the photo to this message for your review and response.
Please advise as to what your address is, so that I may forward this photo for your review, and subsequent response.
Thank you.
Reply from Coke:
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company, Mr. Hassan.We sincerely appreciated receiving your comments regarding our advertising for Coca-Cola classic.
It is a challenge to appeal to as many consumers in our vast target market as possible. Your constructive criticism helps us know when we are not successful in accomplishing this difficult task. Please be assured that yourcomments have been shared appropriately.
We do not want to lose your patronage. Your comments are important to us,so please feel free to contact our Web site again whenever you have comments to share.
The Coca-Cola Company
Industry and Consumer Affairs
Second Letter to Coke:
Thank you for your response to my inquiry.As a lifelong consumer of your products, I'm extremely disappointed. I was hoping that this advertisement was a hoax, perpetrated by someone against your company. While I appreciated your candor, it did not excuse the extremely poor judgment and taste exhibited by Coca Cola.
You have definitely lost my patronage. In addition, I will make sure that I share your response with my friends in the community - who were unwilling to give you the benefit of a doubt from the beginning.
I will also make it a point to convey this issue to my friends and acquaintances in the Arab and Muslim world. I'm also attaching a copy of your ad, from which you will recognize that, by the time I had received it,it had already received wide circulation on the Internet. I doubt that the increased revenue from this ad - if any - will outweigh the reaction from around the world.
The Advert and the email correspondent which are sent accompanying the advery are all fake. The Dome of the Rock advert was in fact one in a series of fake Coca-Cola adverts created by a design agency.
The official statement from Coca-Cola :
Atlanta, August 23, 2001 - We are aware of false advertisements featuring holy sites in the Middle East that have been circulating on the Internet. The advertisements are fabricated and have not been produced by The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company has full respect for the cultures and religions in all of the nearly 200 countries in which we operate.
But Reality Is Worse
From 1966 onward Coca-Cola has been a stauch supporter of Israel. Recently the Government of Israel Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing ro abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel.
Boycott Coca-Cola!
For full details please see: Boycott Coca-Cola

Letter to Coke:
I recently received, through email, a photo of a Coca-Cola advertisement in Israel. It basically emblazons your trademark over the Dome of the Rock.As a Muslim, of Arab heritage, I am outraged & disgusted.
However, I also feel that a global company of your stature would typically not stoop so low. I have been unable to attach the photo to this message for your review and response.
Please advise as to what your address is, so that I may forward this photo for your review, and subsequent response.
Thank you.
Reply from Coke:
Thank you for contacting The Coca-Cola Company, Mr. Hassan.We sincerely appreciated receiving your comments regarding our advertising for Coca-Cola classic.
It is a challenge to appeal to as many consumers in our vast target market as possible. Your constructive criticism helps us know when we are not successful in accomplishing this difficult task. Please be assured that yourcomments have been shared appropriately.
We do not want to lose your patronage. Your comments are important to us,so please feel free to contact our Web site again whenever you have comments to share.
The Coca-Cola Company
Industry and Consumer Affairs
Second Letter to Coke:
Thank you for your response to my inquiry.As a lifelong consumer of your products, I'm extremely disappointed. I was hoping that this advertisement was a hoax, perpetrated by someone against your company. While I appreciated your candor, it did not excuse the extremely poor judgment and taste exhibited by Coca Cola.
You have definitely lost my patronage. In addition, I will make sure that I share your response with my friends in the community - who were unwilling to give you the benefit of a doubt from the beginning.
I will also make it a point to convey this issue to my friends and acquaintances in the Arab and Muslim world. I'm also attaching a copy of your ad, from which you will recognize that, by the time I had received it,it had already received wide circulation on the Internet. I doubt that the increased revenue from this ad - if any - will outweigh the reaction from around the world.
The Advert and the email correspondent which are sent accompanying the advery are all fake. The Dome of the Rock advert was in fact one in a series of fake Coca-Cola adverts created by a design agency.
The official statement from Coca-Cola :
Atlanta, August 23, 2001 - We are aware of false advertisements featuring holy sites in the Middle East that have been circulating on the Internet. The advertisements are fabricated and have not been produced by The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company has full respect for the cultures and religions in all of the nearly 200 countries in which we operate.
But Reality Is Worse
From 1966 onward Coca-Cola has been a stauch supporter of Israel. Recently the Government of Israel Economic Mission honored Coca-Cola at the Israel Trade Award Dinner for its continued support of Israel for the last 30 years and for refusing ro abide by the Arab League boycott of Israel.
Boycott Coca-Cola!
For full details please see: Boycott Coca-Cola
Fuji "map with no Israel" hoax
Fuji maps were discovered without Israel on them, the following internet alert was received:
Please inform your family and friends that Subaru-Fuji & Fuji Co. removed Israel from its complimentary world map that they gave to their customers with purchases. Yes, in Fuji stores abroad you receive the world map without Israel!!!
According to Fuji, Israel just does not exist... It is most likely done to entice Arab customers. I am sure that a map without Israel makes Arabs happy, very happy... It is a very dangerous precedent it looks like an indication that Arab calls for the boycott of Israel may start bearing fruits. In response, many Israelis today called for a boycott of all Fuji products -- film, cameras, batteries etc.
This Fuji action is the worst possible insult for Israel. Please spread the word around - ARAB buying power can do wonders.
Fujifilm denied the story and issued this staement:
No Fujifilm company or distributor published or distributed a map of the kind we have heard described, and Fujifilm in no way sanctioned the production of such a map.
In looking into the matter, we have learned that a third party wholesaler in the Republique de Cote d'Ivoire (the Ivory Coast) produced a calendar with such a map. They did so on their own initiative, combining the map with our logo without our permission and in violation of our policy regarding the use of the Fujifilm logo.
Fujifilm is greatly disturbed that someone would violate our policies and link our company's good name to something we find unacceptable. As soon as we learned of the problem, corrective action was taken to stop the distribution of these calendars. Fujifilm appreciates the opportunity to share the actual facts of this matter, and to provide every assurance that Fujifilm is a company of the highest stature and integrity.
Further information from zionist site standwithus.com:
No Problem With Fuji Film:
Many of our members have voiced concern that the Fuji Film company has printed a map withoutout Israel, and that they are giving it away as a gift.
We are pleased to tell you that this is not the case. We have contacted a representative at the Fuji company, and we have learned that the problem was isolated to a dealer in Africa who created a calendar without permission from Fuji. Fuji was embarrassed by this, and they tell us that they have taken immediate steps to rectify the problem with that one dealer.
They have also issued a public apology in Israel. Please read the letter below, written by Khaim Benkuzari , (Product Manager Shimone Group Israel, Fuji Film Distributor) followed by their press release which explains more.
In these pressured times, it is important for us to check out facts before we spread information that may or may not be accurate. Thank you for being patient with us at standwithus as we looked into this.
Dear Standwithus and friends of standwithus members, Please find attached a clarification FUJI FILM had made two Days ago, the article was published in The Hebrew version of ynet.co.ilI believe it will clear the atmosphere because, Fuji Film for very long Period is working with Israel, though the Arab boycott had caused them A lot of damage during the 70s and 80s. Please forward this information to you members. Khaim Benkuzari Product Manager Shimone Group Israel, Fuji Film Distributor.
Translated from: http://www.ynet.co.il
Fuji apologized for omitting Israel from a map distributed in its name.
The president of the company came to the Israeli embassy in Japan and clarified that the mistake was a local error of a distributor and not the policy of the company
The president of Fuji international recently came to a meeting at the Israeli embassy in Japan to apologize for the omission of the name of the state of Israel from a calendar which was distributed in the name of the company in advance of the forthcoming Mondial.
The general manager of Fuji international, Shigetaka Komori, requested the clarification meeting at the Israeli embassy in Tokyo as a result of the publication of the subject in ynet. (see link). Shigetaka told the Israeli ambassador that an investigation carried out by the company revealed that the calendar was produced by as a local initiative in the Ivory Coast by a business owner not connected with Fuji. The calendar was printed in Lebanon and there the name ofIsrael and its capital were omitted.
The general manager of Fuji said that that in the official calendar of the company, the name of Israel appears. He clarified that the company has always taken care to maintain friendly relations with Israel and that this matter embarrassed Fuji and it regretted it. He said that the company warned the business owner not to distribute any more of the calendars in their present version, and instructed him to collect as many as possible of the erroneous calendars that were distributed.
The Israeli ambassador in Tokyo said that he was impressed by the apology of the company and had told the Japanese representatives that Israel fully accepts the explanation and that from its point of view the matter is closed.
The deputy spokesman of the foreign ministry, Emanuel Nachshon, said in response Israel compliments the words of the president of the company and sees this as an end to the matter. The foreign ministry will continue to follow attempts to harm the state of Israel, among other things, attempts of commercial enterprises to erase Israel from the map.
Please inform your family and friends that Subaru-Fuji & Fuji Co. removed Israel from its complimentary world map that they gave to their customers with purchases. Yes, in Fuji stores abroad you receive the world map without Israel!!!
According to Fuji, Israel just does not exist... It is most likely done to entice Arab customers. I am sure that a map without Israel makes Arabs happy, very happy... It is a very dangerous precedent it looks like an indication that Arab calls for the boycott of Israel may start bearing fruits. In response, many Israelis today called for a boycott of all Fuji products -- film, cameras, batteries etc.
This Fuji action is the worst possible insult for Israel. Please spread the word around - ARAB buying power can do wonders.
Fujifilm denied the story and issued this staement:
No Fujifilm company or distributor published or distributed a map of the kind we have heard described, and Fujifilm in no way sanctioned the production of such a map.
In looking into the matter, we have learned that a third party wholesaler in the Republique de Cote d'Ivoire (the Ivory Coast) produced a calendar with such a map. They did so on their own initiative, combining the map with our logo without our permission and in violation of our policy regarding the use of the Fujifilm logo.
Fujifilm is greatly disturbed that someone would violate our policies and link our company's good name to something we find unacceptable. As soon as we learned of the problem, corrective action was taken to stop the distribution of these calendars. Fujifilm appreciates the opportunity to share the actual facts of this matter, and to provide every assurance that Fujifilm is a company of the highest stature and integrity.
Further information from zionist site standwithus.com:
No Problem With Fuji Film:
Many of our members have voiced concern that the Fuji Film company has printed a map withoutout Israel, and that they are giving it away as a gift.
We are pleased to tell you that this is not the case. We have contacted a representative at the Fuji company, and we have learned that the problem was isolated to a dealer in Africa who created a calendar without permission from Fuji. Fuji was embarrassed by this, and they tell us that they have taken immediate steps to rectify the problem with that one dealer.
They have also issued a public apology in Israel. Please read the letter below, written by Khaim Benkuzari , (Product Manager Shimone Group Israel, Fuji Film Distributor) followed by their press release which explains more.
In these pressured times, it is important for us to check out facts before we spread information that may or may not be accurate. Thank you for being patient with us at standwithus as we looked into this.
Dear Standwithus and friends of standwithus members, Please find attached a clarification FUJI FILM had made two Days ago, the article was published in The Hebrew version of ynet.co.ilI believe it will clear the atmosphere because, Fuji Film for very long Period is working with Israel, though the Arab boycott had caused them A lot of damage during the 70s and 80s. Please forward this information to you members. Khaim Benkuzari Product Manager Shimone Group Israel, Fuji Film Distributor.
Translated from: http://www.ynet.co.il
Fuji apologized for omitting Israel from a map distributed in its name.
The president of the company came to the Israeli embassy in Japan and clarified that the mistake was a local error of a distributor and not the policy of the company
The president of Fuji international recently came to a meeting at the Israeli embassy in Japan to apologize for the omission of the name of the state of Israel from a calendar which was distributed in the name of the company in advance of the forthcoming Mondial.
The general manager of Fuji international, Shigetaka Komori, requested the clarification meeting at the Israeli embassy in Tokyo as a result of the publication of the subject in ynet. (see link). Shigetaka told the Israeli ambassador that an investigation carried out by the company revealed that the calendar was produced by as a local initiative in the Ivory Coast by a business owner not connected with Fuji. The calendar was printed in Lebanon and there the name ofIsrael and its capital were omitted.
The general manager of Fuji said that that in the official calendar of the company, the name of Israel appears. He clarified that the company has always taken care to maintain friendly relations with Israel and that this matter embarrassed Fuji and it regretted it. He said that the company warned the business owner not to distribute any more of the calendars in their present version, and instructed him to collect as many as possible of the erroneous calendars that were distributed.
The Israeli ambassador in Tokyo said that he was impressed by the apology of the company and had told the Japanese representatives that Israel fully accepts the explanation and that from its point of view the matter is closed.
The deputy spokesman of the foreign ministry, Emanuel Nachshon, said in response Israel compliments the words of the president of the company and sees this as an end to the matter. The foreign ministry will continue to follow attempts to harm the state of Israel, among other things, attempts of commercial enterprises to erase Israel from the map.
Is PEPSI is an abbreviation of "Pay Every Penny to Save Israel"?
The first Pepsi-Cola Company was formed in 1902, and the name "Pepsi" was patented in 1903 - way before Israel was created.
The story about its name is as follows:
In 1898 Caleb D. Bradham, a small town pharmacist looked for a name that would better describe his formula which he was selling locally under the name "Brad's Drink." He bought the name "Pep Kola" from a local competitor and changed it to Pepsi-Cola.(*)
So PEPSI isn't an abbreviation, it doesn't stand for anything.
(* pepsi website)
The story about its name is as follows:
In 1898 Caleb D. Bradham, a small town pharmacist looked for a name that would better describe his formula which he was selling locally under the name "Brad's Drink." He bought the name "Pep Kola" from a local competitor and changed it to Pepsi-Cola.(*)
So PEPSI isn't an abbreviation, it doesn't stand for anything.
(* pepsi website)
'729' Barcode of Israel?
Alerts regarding identifying Israeli products by their barcode have been circulated over the internet, one example is shown below:
Boycott '729' Barcode
Most of the products have a barcode to identify them. Each barcode contains a lot of information such as the factory and also the country where it is produced.
The following system is not necessarly waterproof but will certainly allow you to screen a lot of products coming from Israël.
You can retrieve the list of these countries and the according numbers on the internet.
Some examples :
383 EAN Slovenija
471 EAN Taiwan
Notice that these one have NOTHING to do with Israël.
A barcode starting with "729" indicates that this product is produced in Israël
729 Israeli Bar Code Association - EAN Israel
Don't buy them if you want to protest against the current agression!!
Sometimes brands are misleading, a barcode never lies if it carries that 729 !!!
Others have added more targets to the barcode boycott list:
The American ones start with 00 till 13.
But upon investigating the barcodes of know Israeli goods people found the barcodes weren't always correct:
The Israeli bar code story is not so simple. I purchased several food items from Israel to investigate which could be from the occupied territories. The Achdut Tahini from Industrial Zone Barkan (Occupied Territories) starts out: 7 219.... Pri-Vayerek Olives from Industrial Zone Har Tov starts: 7 922... (Barbet (Jam) imported from Israel by Supreme Foods of Concord Ont.: 6 507...)
I notice that foods from Sweden start out with either a 7 or an 8, so there is no consistant labeling for some countries. As a matter of fact, I notice that the first number is not consistantly the same on goods from any particular country; foods from Canada usually start with a 6, but not always.
There must be a better way to tell...
Then someone investigated what EAN (the barcode number) actually mean. From the EAN international FAQ: http://www.ean-int.org/faqadc.html
Does the EAN number indicate the country of origin of a product?
No, the numbering of a product with EAN numbers does not imply any significance. An EAN number simply starts with the prefix of the member organisation that has allocated a bank of numbers to a company. This does not mean that the product was manufactured in a specific country or by a specific manufacturer.
So where does this leave us?
We recommend you read all the labels and not rely on the barcode as it clearly does not indicate the country of origin although it might be accurate on many occasions.
Boycott '729' Barcode
Most of the products have a barcode to identify them. Each barcode contains a lot of information such as the factory and also the country where it is produced.
The following system is not necessarly waterproof but will certainly allow you to screen a lot of products coming from Israël.
You can retrieve the list of these countries and the according numbers on the internet.
Some examples :
383 EAN Slovenija
471 EAN Taiwan
Notice that these one have NOTHING to do with Israël.
A barcode starting with "729" indicates that this product is produced in Israël
729 Israeli Bar Code Association - EAN Israel
Don't buy them if you want to protest against the current agression!!
Sometimes brands are misleading, a barcode never lies if it carries that 729 !!!
Others have added more targets to the barcode boycott list:
The American ones start with 00 till 13.
But upon investigating the barcodes of know Israeli goods people found the barcodes weren't always correct:
The Israeli bar code story is not so simple. I purchased several food items from Israel to investigate which could be from the occupied territories. The Achdut Tahini from Industrial Zone Barkan (Occupied Territories) starts out: 7 219.... Pri-Vayerek Olives from Industrial Zone Har Tov starts: 7 922... (Barbet (Jam) imported from Israel by Supreme Foods of Concord Ont.: 6 507...)
I notice that foods from Sweden start out with either a 7 or an 8, so there is no consistant labeling for some countries. As a matter of fact, I notice that the first number is not consistantly the same on goods from any particular country; foods from Canada usually start with a 6, but not always.
There must be a better way to tell...
Then someone investigated what EAN (the barcode number) actually mean. From the EAN international FAQ: http://www.ean-int.org/faqadc.html
Does the EAN number indicate the country of origin of a product?
No, the numbering of a product with EAN numbers does not imply any significance. An EAN number simply starts with the prefix of the member organisation that has allocated a bank of numbers to a company. This does not mean that the product was manufactured in a specific country or by a specific manufacturer.
So where does this leave us?
We recommend you read all the labels and not rely on the barcode as it clearly does not indicate the country of origin although it might be accurate on many occasions.
Hostage TV men are freed
A BRITISH-BASED cameraman held hostage in Gaza for a fortnight were freed unhurt today.
Olaf Wiig's relatives and neighbours in Sussex spoke of their delight.
Militants called the Holy Jihad Brigades snatched New Zealand-born Mr Wiig, 36, and his Fox News colleague Steve Centanni, a reporter, from their TV van on August 14.
The previously-unknown group demanded that Muslim prisoners in US jails be released within three days in exchange for the men.
But today the pair were dropped off at Gaza City's Beach Hotel, according to New Zealand diplomat Peter Rider.
The first footage of the journalists showed them being greeted and rushed upstairs.
Mr Wiig's wife, former BBC presenter Anita McNaught, was said to be overwhelmed with relief - just hours after making another plea in Gaza for their freedom.
The couple have lived in the quiet West Sussex village of Horsted Keynes for six years.
Alison Mountain, Ms McNaught's aunt and next-door neighbour, said: "That's excellent news.
"It was getting a bit depressing when the deadline had passed and there was no news, but this is wonderful.
"You have your feelings about what has happened, but you just hope everything will turn out fine.
"It has obviously been worse for Anita than it has been for me, and I'm sure she is just relieved."
Close friend Meri Black, who also lives nearby, said: "It is a great relief that they have been released unharmed.
"When you don't hear any news, it can be quite worrying, but this is great."
Mr Wiig's wife, who travelled to the middle east following the kidnap, had begun the day with an appeal to the hostage-takers.
She said: "In the name of the Muslim values you uphold, I consider you responsible for Olaf's and Steve's continued well-being."
The kidnappers then released new video of the two men, attaching a statement in writing claiming the journalists had converted to Islam.
Mr Wiig is seen sitting cross-legged in a beige robe, delivering an anti-Western speech from crumpled notes.
He also read out an Islamic blessing in Arabic, with his fingers following the written text.
He said: "The people of Gaza have suffered for many years in what is effectively a prison camp.
"They have not been free to come and go. Some say this was all started because of 9/11, and of course that wasn't true.
"It is Apache helicopters firing hellfire missiles made in America that kill the residents of Gaza.
"America and George Bush are seen as being evil in some people's eyes in this part of the world.
"It is time that the leaders of the West listen to the people, take notice of the millions protesting in the streets, stop hiding behind the 'I don't negotiate with terrorists' myth."
And in another part of the footage Washington-based Mr Centanni said he was now a Muslim.
He raised his index finger in an oath of allegiance to the religion.
A BRITISH-BASED cameraman held hostage in Gaza for a fortnight were freed unhurt today.
Olaf Wiig's relatives and neighbours in Sussex spoke of their delight.
Militants called the Holy Jihad Brigades snatched New Zealand-born Mr Wiig, 36, and his Fox News colleague Steve Centanni, a reporter, from their TV van on August 14.
The previously-unknown group demanded that Muslim prisoners in US jails be released within three days in exchange for the men.
But today the pair were dropped off at Gaza City's Beach Hotel, according to New Zealand diplomat Peter Rider.
The first footage of the journalists showed them being greeted and rushed upstairs.
Mr Wiig's wife, former BBC presenter Anita McNaught, was said to be overwhelmed with relief - just hours after making another plea in Gaza for their freedom.
The couple have lived in the quiet West Sussex village of Horsted Keynes for six years.
Alison Mountain, Ms McNaught's aunt and next-door neighbour, said: "That's excellent news.
"It was getting a bit depressing when the deadline had passed and there was no news, but this is wonderful.
"You have your feelings about what has happened, but you just hope everything will turn out fine.
"It has obviously been worse for Anita than it has been for me, and I'm sure she is just relieved."
Close friend Meri Black, who also lives nearby, said: "It is a great relief that they have been released unharmed.
"When you don't hear any news, it can be quite worrying, but this is great."
Mr Wiig's wife, who travelled to the middle east following the kidnap, had begun the day with an appeal to the hostage-takers.
She said: "In the name of the Muslim values you uphold, I consider you responsible for Olaf's and Steve's continued well-being."
The kidnappers then released new video of the two men, attaching a statement in writing claiming the journalists had converted to Islam.
Mr Wiig is seen sitting cross-legged in a beige robe, delivering an anti-Western speech from crumpled notes.
He also read out an Islamic blessing in Arabic, with his fingers following the written text.
He said: "The people of Gaza have suffered for many years in what is effectively a prison camp.
"They have not been free to come and go. Some say this was all started because of 9/11, and of course that wasn't true.
"It is Apache helicopters firing hellfire missiles made in America that kill the residents of Gaza.
"America and George Bush are seen as being evil in some people's eyes in this part of the world.
"It is time that the leaders of the West listen to the people, take notice of the millions protesting in the streets, stop hiding behind the 'I don't negotiate with terrorists' myth."
And in another part of the footage Washington-based Mr Centanni said he was now a Muslim.
He raised his index finger in an oath of allegiance to the religion.
If you trust Google
If you trust Google more than your doctor then maybe it's time to switch doctors.
Jadelr and Cristina Cordova, Chasing Windmills, 08-21-06
Jadelr and Cristina Cordova, Chasing Windmills, 08-21-06
Under fire, Indian eatery drops Hitler from name
Sun Aug 27, 2006 2:16 PM BST
MUMBAI (Reuters) - A restaurant in India's financial hub has agreed to change its name from "Hitler's Cross" following strong protests by the country's tiny Jewish community and pressure from Israel.
"Hitler's Cross," which opened a week ago using posters of the Fuehrer and Nazi swastikas for publicity, initially refused to change its name, but relented Thursday and covered its signboards with white cloth.
The restaurant's name and its marketing gimmick had infuriated India's Jewish population, which had said it would fight any attempts at "rehabilitating Hitler."
Germany and Israel joined the protests with the Israeli consul-general in Mumbai writing to city authorities urging them to take steps to get the restaurant's name changed.
"We acknowledge that the name adopted by us for our restaurant was most inappropriate," Satish Sabhlok, one of the owners of the multi-cuisine restaurant, said in a statement.
"Our intention was not to glorify Hitler or his atrocities or ideology in any way and we regret the anguish caused by the use of this name."
The owners were yet to decide on a new name, he added.
The Indian Jewish Federation, the community's umbrella organisation, said it was relieved.
"The incident exposes the lack of understanding of the present generation about the atrocities of the past and the need to educate them about crimes against humanity," federation chairman Jonathan Solomon said.
MUMBAI (Reuters) - A restaurant in India's financial hub has agreed to change its name from "Hitler's Cross" following strong protests by the country's tiny Jewish community and pressure from Israel.
"Hitler's Cross," which opened a week ago using posters of the Fuehrer and Nazi swastikas for publicity, initially refused to change its name, but relented Thursday and covered its signboards with white cloth.
The restaurant's name and its marketing gimmick had infuriated India's Jewish population, which had said it would fight any attempts at "rehabilitating Hitler."
Germany and Israel joined the protests with the Israeli consul-general in Mumbai writing to city authorities urging them to take steps to get the restaurant's name changed.
"We acknowledge that the name adopted by us for our restaurant was most inappropriate," Satish Sabhlok, one of the owners of the multi-cuisine restaurant, said in a statement.
"Our intention was not to glorify Hitler or his atrocities or ideology in any way and we regret the anguish caused by the use of this name."
The owners were yet to decide on a new name, he added.
The Indian Jewish Federation, the community's umbrella organisation, said it was relieved.
"The incident exposes the lack of understanding of the present generation about the atrocities of the past and the need to educate them about crimes against humanity," federation chairman Jonathan Solomon said.
Are we Civilized?
Posted by: "`·.¸¸.·*Minahil *··.¸¸." minahil123us@yahoo.com minahil123us
Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:05 am (PST)
Are we the civilized, modernized, well-developed people ever existed on this planet?
We have studied the natural laws, but neglected our inner self.
We can produce light out of atoms, but our hearts are full of darkness.
We have the advanced weapons, but why do we only use them against innocent women & children?
We have natural resources, enormous bounties; but why are thousands of people dying out of hunger?
We have technology, equipments; but why millions of people don't have enough clean water to drink?
We are trying to find life in other planets, but why are we not taking care of our own planet (environment)?
We are claiming to be peace-keeper, but are we not the ones causing destruction?
We treat our parents like we are their parents, but we forget about how they raised us, when we could not even stand?
We are wasting money on smoking, drinking, gambling, but do we care about the orphans?
We have luxuries, but why are we still searching for satisfaction?
We have harnessed enormous energy out of tiny little atoms, but have we tried to realize the might of our Creator, who created everything in the universe?
Are we not?
· Selfish
· Arrogant
· Cruel
· Immoral
Is life all about?
· Husband, Wife, Children
· Eating, Drinking, Sleeping
· Money, shopping, entertainment
· and then die!
Is this all for which we came here? Are we any different from the animals? Animals also take care of their families, they eat, they play and then they die.
Many nations, civilizations have passed before us. They were also very advanced at their times. How different are we from them, in morality?
It did not take long for Allah, the God, to destroy them. What happened to the people of Noah, Ad, Thamud, Sodom, Gomorrah and Pharoh etc? Now we see their land, houses ruined.
Al-Qur'an [al-'Asr - 103 v 1-3]
· I swear by the time,
· Most surely man is in loss,
· Except those who
o believe and
o do good, and
oenjoin on each other truth, and
oenjoin on each other patience.
All praises and thanks be to Allah, Lord of everything that exists.The most Gracious, the Most Merciful.Master of the Day of Judgment You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help.Guide us to the Straight Way The Way of of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor those who went astray. Ameen
Sat Aug 26, 2006 10:05 am (PST)
Are we the civilized, modernized, well-developed people ever existed on this planet?
We have studied the natural laws, but neglected our inner self.
We can produce light out of atoms, but our hearts are full of darkness.
We have the advanced weapons, but why do we only use them against innocent women & children?
We have natural resources, enormous bounties; but why are thousands of people dying out of hunger?
We have technology, equipments; but why millions of people don't have enough clean water to drink?
We are trying to find life in other planets, but why are we not taking care of our own planet (environment)?
We are claiming to be peace-keeper, but are we not the ones causing destruction?
We treat our parents like we are their parents, but we forget about how they raised us, when we could not even stand?
We are wasting money on smoking, drinking, gambling, but do we care about the orphans?
We have luxuries, but why are we still searching for satisfaction?
We have harnessed enormous energy out of tiny little atoms, but have we tried to realize the might of our Creator, who created everything in the universe?
Are we not?
· Selfish
· Arrogant
· Cruel
· Immoral
Is life all about?
· Husband, Wife, Children
· Eating, Drinking, Sleeping
· Money, shopping, entertainment
· and then die!
Is this all for which we came here? Are we any different from the animals? Animals also take care of their families, they eat, they play and then they die.
Many nations, civilizations have passed before us. They were also very advanced at their times. How different are we from them, in morality?
It did not take long for Allah, the God, to destroy them. What happened to the people of Noah, Ad, Thamud, Sodom, Gomorrah and Pharoh etc? Now we see their land, houses ruined.
Al-Qur'an [al-'Asr - 103 v 1-3]
· I swear by the time,
· Most surely man is in loss,
· Except those who
o believe and
o do good, and
oenjoin on each other truth, and
oenjoin on each other patience.
All praises and thanks be to Allah, Lord of everything that exists.The most Gracious, the Most Merciful.Master of the Day of Judgment You (alone) we worship, and You (alone) we ask for help.Guide us to the Straight Way The Way of of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger, nor those who went astray. Ameen
'Umayr ibn Sad (radiy-Allahu `anhu)...
'Umayr ibn Sad
(radiy-Allahu `anhu)
The Prophet turned to the young
Umayr. Tears of joy moistened his youthful face,
radiant with the light of faith. With
his noble hand, the Prophet tenderly took his
ear and said: "Young man, your ear
has been true in what it heard and your Lord has
confirmed the truth of what you
Umayr ibn Sad became an orphan at an early age. His father died
leaving him and his mother poor and destitute. His mother
eventually married again, to one of the richest men in Madinah.
His name was Julas ibn Suwayd who was from the powerful tribe of
Umayr was well looked after by Julas and loved him as a son would
love a father. Indeed he began to forget that he was an orphan.
As Umayr grew older, Julas fondness and love for him grew. Julas
would marvel at the intelligence he displayed in everything he
did and at the honesty and trustworthiness which
characterized his behavior.
When he was barely ten years old, Umayr became a Muslim. Faith
found in his tender heart a secure niche and penetrated deeply
into his being. In spite of youthfulness, he would never delay in
the performance of salat behind the noble Prophet. Often he would
be found in the first row of worshippers, hoping for the thawab
promised those who attend mosques early and sit in the foremost
rows. His mother was particularly pleased whenever she saw him
going to and coming from the mosque, sometimes with her husband
and sometimes alone.
Umayr's days passed in this fashion with no major disturbance to
upset his calm and contentment. This idyllic state, however,
could not last forever. Umayr was soon to face a most difficult
test for a boy of his age, a test which shook the peaceful and
loving atmosphere of his home and challenged the steadfastness of
his faith.
In the ninth year after the Hijrah, the Prophet, peace and
blessings of God be on him, announced his intention to lead an
expedition to Tabuk against the Byzantine forces. He ordered the
Muslims to get themselves ready and make the necessary
Usually when the Prophet wanted to go on a military campaign he
would not give precise details of his objective or he would set
off in a direction opposite to his intended destination. This was
for security purposes and to confound the enemy's intelligence
service. This he did not do in announcing the expedition to
Tabuk. This was perhaps because of the great distance of Tabuk
from Madinah, the enormous difficulties expected and the
overwhelming strength of the enemy.
The preparations needed for this expedition had to be extensive.
In spite of the fact that summer had set in and the intense heat
produced languor and listlessness, and in spite of the fact that
the date crops needed harvesting, the Muslims responded
enthusiastically to the call of the Prophet and busied themselves
in preparing for the arduous campaign ahead.
There was however a group of munafiqun or hypocrites who
outwardly had declared their acceptance of Islam but inwardly did
not believe in it. They were critical of the expedition and tried
to weaken the resolve of the Muslims. They even ridiculed the
Prophet in their private gatherings. Disbelief and hatred
remained in their hearts.
One day, shortly before the army was due to set out, the young
Umayr ibn Sad returned home after performing Salat in the mosque.
He was all agog with excitement. He had just witnessed the great
generosity and the spontaneous spirit of sacrifice which the
Muslims displayed in preparing for the expedition. He had seen
women of the Muhajirin and the Ansar donating their jewellery and
their ornaments to buy provisions and equipment for the army. He
had seen Uthman ibn Affan handing over a purse containing a
thousand gold dinars to the Prophet and Abdur Rahman ibn Awl
carrying on his shoulders two hundred awqiyyah of gold and
placing it before the noble Prophet. Indeed he had even seen a
man trying to sell his bed in order to purchase a sword for
At home, he recalled these moving and inspiring scenes. He was
surprised however that Julas was so slow in preparing for the
expedition with the Prophet and at his delay in contributing
especially since he was quite rich and could afford to give
generously. Umayr felt that he had to arouse his ardor or stir
his sense of generosity and manliness. So with great enthusiasm
he related what he had seen and heard at the mosque particularly
the case of those believers who, with great fervor, had come to
enlist themselves in the army and were turned away by the Prophet
because there was not sufficient means of transport. He related
how sad and disappointed these people were at not realizing their
desire to go on the path of Jihad and sacrifice for the sake of
Islam. Julas' response was sharp and shocking.
"If Muhammad is true in claiming that he is a Prophet ," he
shouted angrily, "then we are all worse than donkeys."
Umayr was flabbergasted. He could not believe what he had heard.
He did not think that a man as intelligent as Julas could have
uttered such words, words which put him instantly outside the
pale of faith.
A host of questions paced through his mind and he immediately
began to consider what action he should take. He saw in Julas'
silence and his tardiness to respond to the Prophet's call, clear
signs of a traitor to God and His Prophet, who wanted to bring
harm to Islam in just the same way as the munafiqun who were
plotting and conspiring against the Prophet. At the same time he
saw a man who had treated him as a father and who was kind and
generous to him, who had taken him as an orphan and had saved him
from poverty.
Umayr had to choose between preserving this close relationship
with Julas on the one hand and dealing with his treachery and
hypocrisy on the other. The choice was painful but his decision
was swift. He turned to Julas and said:
"By God, O Julas, there is no one on the face of the earth, after
Muhammad ibn Abdullah, dearer to me than you. You are the closest
of men to me and you have been most generous to me. But you have
uttered words which, if I should mention them will expose and
humiliate you. If I conceal them, however, I will be a traitor to
my trust and destroy myself and my religion. I will, therefore,
go to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and tell him what
you have said. It is up to you to clarify your position."
The young Umayr went to the mosque and told the Prophet what he
had heard from Julas. The Prophet asked him to stay with him and
sent one of his companions to summon Julas.
Julas came, greeted the Prophet and sat in front of him. The
Prophet, peace be upon him straightaway asked him: "What did you
say that Umayr ibn Sad heard?" and he mentioned what Umayr had
reported to him.
"He has lied against me, O Messenger of God, and has fabricated
this. I have not uttered anything of the sort" asserted Julas.
The companions of the Prophet looked alternately at Julas and
Umayr hoping to detect on their faces what their hearts
concealed. They began to mutter among themselves. One of those in
whose hearts was the disease of hypocrisy asserted:
"The youth is a nuisance. He is bent on defaming someone who has
been good to him." Others replied: "Not at all. He is a youth who
grew up in obedience to God. The expressions on his face attest
to his truthfulness."
The Prophet, peace be on him, turned to Umayr and saw his flushed
face and the tears streaming down his cheeks. Umayr prayed:
"O Lord, send down a revelation on Your Prophet to verify what I
have told him." Julas meanwhile continued to defend what he had
said: "What I have told you, O Messenger of God, is certainly the
truth. If you wish, make us swear an oath in your presence. I
swear by God that I did not say anything of the sort that Umayr
reported to you."
As the companions turned to Umayr to hear what he had to say,
they saw the Prophet come under a special mood of serenity and
they realized that he was being inspired. Immediately there was
complete silence as they gazed intently at the Prophet in
At this point, fear and terror gripped Julas and he began to look
tremulously at Umayr. The Prophet, having received the
revelation, recited the words of God:
"(The hypocrites) swear by God that they have said (nothing
wrong); yet most certainly they have uttered a saying which is a
denial of the truth, and have thus denied the truth after having
professed their self-surrender to God; for they were aiming at
something which was beyond their reach. And they could find no
fault (with the Faith) save that God had enriched them and
(caused) His Apostle to enrich them out of His bounty. Hence, if
they repent, it will be for their own good; but if they turn
away, God will cause them to suffer a grievous suffering in this
world and in the life to come and they will find no helper on
earth, and none to give them succour." (The Quran, Surah
at-Tawbah, 9:74).
Julas trembled with fear at what he heard and in his anguish,
could hardly speak. Finally, he turned to the Prophet and said:
"I do repent, O Messenger of God. I do repent. Umayr told the
truth and I lied. I beseech God to accept my repentance..."
The Prophet turned to the young Umayr. Tears of joy moistened his
youthful face, radiant with the light of faith. With his noble
hand, the Prophet tenderly took his
ear and said:
"Young man, your ear has been true in what it heard and your Lord
has confirmed the truth of what you said." Julas returned to the
fold of Islam and was a good and faithful Muslim thereafter. The
companions realized that by his generosity and good treatment of
Umayr, he had reformed. Whenever Umayr was mentioned, Julas would
"My God reward Umayr with goodness on my behalf. He certainly
saved me from kufr and preserved my neck from the fire of hell."
Umayr grew up and distinguished himself in later years with the
same devotion and firmness which he had shown in early life.
During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, the people of Hims
in Syria complained much and bitterly of the governors appointed
to the city even though Umar in particular used to pay special
attention to the type of men he chose as his provincial
governors. In selecting a governor, Umar would say: "I want a
man who when he is among the people and is not their amir, should
not behave as their amir, and when he is among them as an amir,
he should behave as one of them.
"I want a governor who will not distinguish himself from the
people by the clothes he wears, or the food he eats or the house
he lives in."
"I want a governor who would establish Salat among the people,
treat them equitably and with justice and does not close his door
when they come to him in need."
In the light of the complaints of the people of Hims and going by
his own criteria for a good governor, Umar ibn al-Khattab decided
to appoint Umayr ibn Sad as governor of the region. This was
despite the fact that Umayr at that time was at the head of a
Muslim army traversing the Arabian peninsula and the region of
great Syria, liberating towns, destroying enemy fortifications,
pacifying the tribes and establishing masjids wherever he went.
Umayr accepted the appointment as governor of Hims reluctantly
because he preferred nothing better than Jihad in the path of
God. He was still quite young, in his early twenties.
When Umayr reached Hims he called the inhabitants to a vast
congregational prayer. When the prayer was over he addressed
them. He began by praising and giving thanks to God and sending
peace and blessings on His Prophet Muhammad. Then he said:
"O people! Islam is a mighty fortress and a sturdy gate. The
fortress of Islam is justice and its gate is truth. If you
destroy the fortress and demolish the gate you would undermine
the defences of this religion.
"Islam will remain strong so long as the Sultan or central
authority is strong. The strength of the Sultan neither comes
from flogging with the whip, nor killing with the sword but from
ruling with justice and holding fast to truth."
Umayr spent a full year in Hims during which, it is said, he did
not write a single letter to the Amir al-Muminin. Nor did he send
any taxes to the central treasury in Madinah, neither a dirham
nor a dinar.
Umar was always concerned about the performance of his governors
and was afraid that positions of authority would corrupt them. As
far as he was concerned, there was no one who was free from sin
and corrupting influences apart from the noble Prophet, peace be
upon him. He summoned his secretary and said:
"Write to Umayr ibn Sad and say to him: "When the letter of the
Amir al-Muminin reaches you, leave Hims and come to him and bring
with you whatever taxes you have collected from the Muslims."
Umayr received the letter. He took his food pouch and hung his
eating, drinking and washing utensils over his shoulder. He took
his spear and left Hims and the governorship behind him. He set
off for Madinah on foot.
As Umayr approached Madinah, he was badly sunburnt, his body was
gaunt and his hair had grown long. His appearance showed all the
signs of the long and arduous journey. Umar, on seeing him, was
astonished. What's wrong with you, Umayr?" he asked with deep
"Nothing is wrong with me, O Amir al-Muminin," replied Umayr. "I
am fine and healthy, praise be to God, and I carry with me all
(my) worldly possessions."
"And what worldly possessions have you got?" asked Umar thinking
that he was carrying money for the Bayt al-mal or treasury of the
"I have my pouch in which I put my food provisions. I have this
vessel from which I eat and which I use for washing my hair and
clothes. And I have this cup for making wudu and drinking..."
"Did you come on foot?" asked Umar. "Yes, O Amir al-Muminin."
"Weren't you given from your amirship an animal to ride on?"
"They did not give me one and I did not ask them."
"And where is the amount you brought for the Baytalmal?"
"I didn't bring anything."
"And why not?"
"When I arrived at Hims," said Umayr, "I called the righteous
persons of the town to a meeting and gave them the responsibility
of collecting the taxes. Whenever they collected any amounts of
money I would seek their advice and spent it (all) on those who
were deserving among them."
At this point, Umar turned to his secretary and said:
"Renew the appointment of Umayr to the governorship of Hims."
"Oh, come now," protested Umayr. "That is something which I do
not desire. I shall not be a governor for you nor for anyone
after you, O Amir al-Muminin."
With that Umayr asked the Khalifah's permission to go to his
village on the outskirts of Madinah to live there with his
family. This Umar granted.
A long time passed since Umayr had gone to his village and Umar
decided to put him through a test to make sure of his
circumstances. He said to one of his trusted aides called
"Harith, go to Umayr ibn Sad and stay with him as though you were
a guest. If you see on him any signs of luxury or good living,
return quietly as you went. If, however, you find him in
straitened circumstances give him these dinars." Umar handed
Harith a bag with a hundred dinars.
Al-Harith set our for Umayr's village and found his home after
making enquiries.
"As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah," he greeted Umayr.
"Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,"
replied Umayr and asked, "From where have you come?"
"From aI-Madinah."
"How arr the Muslims there?"
"How is the Amir al-Muminin?"
"He is fine and doing well."
"Has he applied the hudud laws?"
"Yes. He carried out the sentence of punishment on his own son
for committing the crime of adultery. His son died as a result of
the punishment." Al-Harith continued: "O Allah, help Umar. I
only know that he has a great love for you."
Al-Harith stayed as Umayr's guest for three nights. On each night
he was given only a small flat piece of barley bread. On the
third day a local man said to Harith:
"Umayr and his family are suffering great hardship. They only
have these loaves which they have given you in preference to
themselves. They are hungry and in great distress. Harith went to
Umayr and gave him the bag of money.
"What is this?" asked Umayr.
"The Amir al-Muminin sent it to you."
"Return it to him. Give him my greetings of peace and tell him
that Umayr has no need of it."
"Take it, O Umayr," shouted his wife who was listening to the
conversation between her husband and his guest. "If you need it,
you can spend it. If not, you can spend it in other appropriate
ways, for those in need here are many."
When al-Harith heard what she had said, he placed the dinars in
front of Umayr and left. Umayr took the money and placed it in a
small bag. He only went to sleep that night after he had
distributed the money to those in need and especially to the
children of those who had been martyred.
Al-Harith returned to Madinah and was questioned by Umar
"What have you seen, Harith?"
"A very distressing situation, O Amir al-Muminin."
"Did you give him the dinars?"
"Yes, O Amir al-Muminin."
"What did he do with them?"
"I don't know. But I think that he did not keep a single dirham
of it for himself."
Al-Faruq wrote to Umayr: "When you receive this letter, I do not
put it down until you come to me."
Umayr proceeded straightaway to Madinah. Umar greeted and
welcomed him and proceeded to question him.
"What did you do with the dinars, Umayr?" "You have no
responsibility for the money after you have donated it to me."
"I adjure you to tell me what you did with it."
"I stored it away for myself so that I could benefit from
it a day when neither wealth nor children will be of any avail."
Tears came to Umar's eyes as he said:
"I swear that you are one of those who are hard against
themselves even when they are in dire need." And he ordered a
camel load of food and two garments to be given to Umayr who
"About the food, we do not need it, O Amir al-Mumineen. I left
two saas of barley with my family and when we have finished that,
Allah- Great and Exalted is He - will provide. As for the two
garments, I will take them for (my wife). Her dress is now in
tatters and she is almost naked."
Not long after that meeting with Umar al-Faruq, Umayr ibn Sad
passed away to his Lord. He was not weighted down with the cares
and burdens of the world and he was concerned to provide plenty
of provisions for the hereafter. Umar received the news of his
death with a heavy heart and said in deep sorrow: "I have wished
to have men like Umayr ibn Sad whose help I could seek in dealing
with the affairs of Muslims."
Shaik Sadik
O Allah! The (only) Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are
my Wali (Protector, Helper, Supporter, Guardian, etc.) in this
world and in the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Muslim (the one
submitting to Your Will), and join me with the righteous."
(radiy-Allahu `anhu)
The Prophet turned to the young
Umayr. Tears of joy moistened his youthful face,
radiant with the light of faith. With
his noble hand, the Prophet tenderly took his
ear and said: "Young man, your ear
has been true in what it heard and your Lord has
confirmed the truth of what you
Umayr ibn Sad became an orphan at an early age. His father died
leaving him and his mother poor and destitute. His mother
eventually married again, to one of the richest men in Madinah.
His name was Julas ibn Suwayd who was from the powerful tribe of
Umayr was well looked after by Julas and loved him as a son would
love a father. Indeed he began to forget that he was an orphan.
As Umayr grew older, Julas fondness and love for him grew. Julas
would marvel at the intelligence he displayed in everything he
did and at the honesty and trustworthiness which
characterized his behavior.
When he was barely ten years old, Umayr became a Muslim. Faith
found in his tender heart a secure niche and penetrated deeply
into his being. In spite of youthfulness, he would never delay in
the performance of salat behind the noble Prophet. Often he would
be found in the first row of worshippers, hoping for the thawab
promised those who attend mosques early and sit in the foremost
rows. His mother was particularly pleased whenever she saw him
going to and coming from the mosque, sometimes with her husband
and sometimes alone.
Umayr's days passed in this fashion with no major disturbance to
upset his calm and contentment. This idyllic state, however,
could not last forever. Umayr was soon to face a most difficult
test for a boy of his age, a test which shook the peaceful and
loving atmosphere of his home and challenged the steadfastness of
his faith.
In the ninth year after the Hijrah, the Prophet, peace and
blessings of God be on him, announced his intention to lead an
expedition to Tabuk against the Byzantine forces. He ordered the
Muslims to get themselves ready and make the necessary
Usually when the Prophet wanted to go on a military campaign he
would not give precise details of his objective or he would set
off in a direction opposite to his intended destination. This was
for security purposes and to confound the enemy's intelligence
service. This he did not do in announcing the expedition to
Tabuk. This was perhaps because of the great distance of Tabuk
from Madinah, the enormous difficulties expected and the
overwhelming strength of the enemy.
The preparations needed for this expedition had to be extensive.
In spite of the fact that summer had set in and the intense heat
produced languor and listlessness, and in spite of the fact that
the date crops needed harvesting, the Muslims responded
enthusiastically to the call of the Prophet and busied themselves
in preparing for the arduous campaign ahead.
There was however a group of munafiqun or hypocrites who
outwardly had declared their acceptance of Islam but inwardly did
not believe in it. They were critical of the expedition and tried
to weaken the resolve of the Muslims. They even ridiculed the
Prophet in their private gatherings. Disbelief and hatred
remained in their hearts.
One day, shortly before the army was due to set out, the young
Umayr ibn Sad returned home after performing Salat in the mosque.
He was all agog with excitement. He had just witnessed the great
generosity and the spontaneous spirit of sacrifice which the
Muslims displayed in preparing for the expedition. He had seen
women of the Muhajirin and the Ansar donating their jewellery and
their ornaments to buy provisions and equipment for the army. He
had seen Uthman ibn Affan handing over a purse containing a
thousand gold dinars to the Prophet and Abdur Rahman ibn Awl
carrying on his shoulders two hundred awqiyyah of gold and
placing it before the noble Prophet. Indeed he had even seen a
man trying to sell his bed in order to purchase a sword for
At home, he recalled these moving and inspiring scenes. He was
surprised however that Julas was so slow in preparing for the
expedition with the Prophet and at his delay in contributing
especially since he was quite rich and could afford to give
generously. Umayr felt that he had to arouse his ardor or stir
his sense of generosity and manliness. So with great enthusiasm
he related what he had seen and heard at the mosque particularly
the case of those believers who, with great fervor, had come to
enlist themselves in the army and were turned away by the Prophet
because there was not sufficient means of transport. He related
how sad and disappointed these people were at not realizing their
desire to go on the path of Jihad and sacrifice for the sake of
Islam. Julas' response was sharp and shocking.
"If Muhammad is true in claiming that he is a Prophet ," he
shouted angrily, "then we are all worse than donkeys."
Umayr was flabbergasted. He could not believe what he had heard.
He did not think that a man as intelligent as Julas could have
uttered such words, words which put him instantly outside the
pale of faith.
A host of questions paced through his mind and he immediately
began to consider what action he should take. He saw in Julas'
silence and his tardiness to respond to the Prophet's call, clear
signs of a traitor to God and His Prophet, who wanted to bring
harm to Islam in just the same way as the munafiqun who were
plotting and conspiring against the Prophet. At the same time he
saw a man who had treated him as a father and who was kind and
generous to him, who had taken him as an orphan and had saved him
from poverty.
Umayr had to choose between preserving this close relationship
with Julas on the one hand and dealing with his treachery and
hypocrisy on the other. The choice was painful but his decision
was swift. He turned to Julas and said:
"By God, O Julas, there is no one on the face of the earth, after
Muhammad ibn Abdullah, dearer to me than you. You are the closest
of men to me and you have been most generous to me. But you have
uttered words which, if I should mention them will expose and
humiliate you. If I conceal them, however, I will be a traitor to
my trust and destroy myself and my religion. I will, therefore,
go to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and tell him what
you have said. It is up to you to clarify your position."
The young Umayr went to the mosque and told the Prophet what he
had heard from Julas. The Prophet asked him to stay with him and
sent one of his companions to summon Julas.
Julas came, greeted the Prophet and sat in front of him. The
Prophet, peace be upon him straightaway asked him: "What did you
say that Umayr ibn Sad heard?" and he mentioned what Umayr had
reported to him.
"He has lied against me, O Messenger of God, and has fabricated
this. I have not uttered anything of the sort" asserted Julas.
The companions of the Prophet looked alternately at Julas and
Umayr hoping to detect on their faces what their hearts
concealed. They began to mutter among themselves. One of those in
whose hearts was the disease of hypocrisy asserted:
"The youth is a nuisance. He is bent on defaming someone who has
been good to him." Others replied: "Not at all. He is a youth who
grew up in obedience to God. The expressions on his face attest
to his truthfulness."
The Prophet, peace be on him, turned to Umayr and saw his flushed
face and the tears streaming down his cheeks. Umayr prayed:
"O Lord, send down a revelation on Your Prophet to verify what I
have told him." Julas meanwhile continued to defend what he had
said: "What I have told you, O Messenger of God, is certainly the
truth. If you wish, make us swear an oath in your presence. I
swear by God that I did not say anything of the sort that Umayr
reported to you."
As the companions turned to Umayr to hear what he had to say,
they saw the Prophet come under a special mood of serenity and
they realized that he was being inspired. Immediately there was
complete silence as they gazed intently at the Prophet in
At this point, fear and terror gripped Julas and he began to look
tremulously at Umayr. The Prophet, having received the
revelation, recited the words of God:
"(The hypocrites) swear by God that they have said (nothing
wrong); yet most certainly they have uttered a saying which is a
denial of the truth, and have thus denied the truth after having
professed their self-surrender to God; for they were aiming at
something which was beyond their reach. And they could find no
fault (with the Faith) save that God had enriched them and
(caused) His Apostle to enrich them out of His bounty. Hence, if
they repent, it will be for their own good; but if they turn
away, God will cause them to suffer a grievous suffering in this
world and in the life to come and they will find no helper on
earth, and none to give them succour." (The Quran, Surah
at-Tawbah, 9:74).
Julas trembled with fear at what he heard and in his anguish,
could hardly speak. Finally, he turned to the Prophet and said:
"I do repent, O Messenger of God. I do repent. Umayr told the
truth and I lied. I beseech God to accept my repentance..."
The Prophet turned to the young Umayr. Tears of joy moistened his
youthful face, radiant with the light of faith. With his noble
hand, the Prophet tenderly took his
ear and said:
"Young man, your ear has been true in what it heard and your Lord
has confirmed the truth of what you said." Julas returned to the
fold of Islam and was a good and faithful Muslim thereafter. The
companions realized that by his generosity and good treatment of
Umayr, he had reformed. Whenever Umayr was mentioned, Julas would
"My God reward Umayr with goodness on my behalf. He certainly
saved me from kufr and preserved my neck from the fire of hell."
Umayr grew up and distinguished himself in later years with the
same devotion and firmness which he had shown in early life.
During the caliphate of Umar ibn al-Khattab, the people of Hims
in Syria complained much and bitterly of the governors appointed
to the city even though Umar in particular used to pay special
attention to the type of men he chose as his provincial
governors. In selecting a governor, Umar would say: "I want a
man who when he is among the people and is not their amir, should
not behave as their amir, and when he is among them as an amir,
he should behave as one of them.
"I want a governor who will not distinguish himself from the
people by the clothes he wears, or the food he eats or the house
he lives in."
"I want a governor who would establish Salat among the people,
treat them equitably and with justice and does not close his door
when they come to him in need."
In the light of the complaints of the people of Hims and going by
his own criteria for a good governor, Umar ibn al-Khattab decided
to appoint Umayr ibn Sad as governor of the region. This was
despite the fact that Umayr at that time was at the head of a
Muslim army traversing the Arabian peninsula and the region of
great Syria, liberating towns, destroying enemy fortifications,
pacifying the tribes and establishing masjids wherever he went.
Umayr accepted the appointment as governor of Hims reluctantly
because he preferred nothing better than Jihad in the path of
God. He was still quite young, in his early twenties.
When Umayr reached Hims he called the inhabitants to a vast
congregational prayer. When the prayer was over he addressed
them. He began by praising and giving thanks to God and sending
peace and blessings on His Prophet Muhammad. Then he said:
"O people! Islam is a mighty fortress and a sturdy gate. The
fortress of Islam is justice and its gate is truth. If you
destroy the fortress and demolish the gate you would undermine
the defences of this religion.
"Islam will remain strong so long as the Sultan or central
authority is strong. The strength of the Sultan neither comes
from flogging with the whip, nor killing with the sword but from
ruling with justice and holding fast to truth."
Umayr spent a full year in Hims during which, it is said, he did
not write a single letter to the Amir al-Muminin. Nor did he send
any taxes to the central treasury in Madinah, neither a dirham
nor a dinar.
Umar was always concerned about the performance of his governors
and was afraid that positions of authority would corrupt them. As
far as he was concerned, there was no one who was free from sin
and corrupting influences apart from the noble Prophet, peace be
upon him. He summoned his secretary and said:
"Write to Umayr ibn Sad and say to him: "When the letter of the
Amir al-Muminin reaches you, leave Hims and come to him and bring
with you whatever taxes you have collected from the Muslims."
Umayr received the letter. He took his food pouch and hung his
eating, drinking and washing utensils over his shoulder. He took
his spear and left Hims and the governorship behind him. He set
off for Madinah on foot.
As Umayr approached Madinah, he was badly sunburnt, his body was
gaunt and his hair had grown long. His appearance showed all the
signs of the long and arduous journey. Umar, on seeing him, was
astonished. What's wrong with you, Umayr?" he asked with deep
"Nothing is wrong with me, O Amir al-Muminin," replied Umayr. "I
am fine and healthy, praise be to God, and I carry with me all
(my) worldly possessions."
"And what worldly possessions have you got?" asked Umar thinking
that he was carrying money for the Bayt al-mal or treasury of the
"I have my pouch in which I put my food provisions. I have this
vessel from which I eat and which I use for washing my hair and
clothes. And I have this cup for making wudu and drinking..."
"Did you come on foot?" asked Umar. "Yes, O Amir al-Muminin."
"Weren't you given from your amirship an animal to ride on?"
"They did not give me one and I did not ask them."
"And where is the amount you brought for the Baytalmal?"
"I didn't bring anything."
"And why not?"
"When I arrived at Hims," said Umayr, "I called the righteous
persons of the town to a meeting and gave them the responsibility
of collecting the taxes. Whenever they collected any amounts of
money I would seek their advice and spent it (all) on those who
were deserving among them."
At this point, Umar turned to his secretary and said:
"Renew the appointment of Umayr to the governorship of Hims."
"Oh, come now," protested Umayr. "That is something which I do
not desire. I shall not be a governor for you nor for anyone
after you, O Amir al-Muminin."
With that Umayr asked the Khalifah's permission to go to his
village on the outskirts of Madinah to live there with his
family. This Umar granted.
A long time passed since Umayr had gone to his village and Umar
decided to put him through a test to make sure of his
circumstances. He said to one of his trusted aides called
"Harith, go to Umayr ibn Sad and stay with him as though you were
a guest. If you see on him any signs of luxury or good living,
return quietly as you went. If, however, you find him in
straitened circumstances give him these dinars." Umar handed
Harith a bag with a hundred dinars.
Al-Harith set our for Umayr's village and found his home after
making enquiries.
"As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullah," he greeted Umayr.
"Wa alaykum as-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu,"
replied Umayr and asked, "From where have you come?"
"From aI-Madinah."
"How arr the Muslims there?"
"How is the Amir al-Muminin?"
"He is fine and doing well."
"Has he applied the hudud laws?"
"Yes. He carried out the sentence of punishment on his own son
for committing the crime of adultery. His son died as a result of
the punishment." Al-Harith continued: "O Allah, help Umar. I
only know that he has a great love for you."
Al-Harith stayed as Umayr's guest for three nights. On each night
he was given only a small flat piece of barley bread. On the
third day a local man said to Harith:
"Umayr and his family are suffering great hardship. They only
have these loaves which they have given you in preference to
themselves. They are hungry and in great distress. Harith went to
Umayr and gave him the bag of money.
"What is this?" asked Umayr.
"The Amir al-Muminin sent it to you."
"Return it to him. Give him my greetings of peace and tell him
that Umayr has no need of it."
"Take it, O Umayr," shouted his wife who was listening to the
conversation between her husband and his guest. "If you need it,
you can spend it. If not, you can spend it in other appropriate
ways, for those in need here are many."
When al-Harith heard what she had said, he placed the dinars in
front of Umayr and left. Umayr took the money and placed it in a
small bag. He only went to sleep that night after he had
distributed the money to those in need and especially to the
children of those who had been martyred.
Al-Harith returned to Madinah and was questioned by Umar
"What have you seen, Harith?"
"A very distressing situation, O Amir al-Muminin."
"Did you give him the dinars?"
"Yes, O Amir al-Muminin."
"What did he do with them?"
"I don't know. But I think that he did not keep a single dirham
of it for himself."
Al-Faruq wrote to Umayr: "When you receive this letter, I do not
put it down until you come to me."
Umayr proceeded straightaway to Madinah. Umar greeted and
welcomed him and proceeded to question him.
"What did you do with the dinars, Umayr?" "You have no
responsibility for the money after you have donated it to me."
"I adjure you to tell me what you did with it."
"I stored it away for myself so that I could benefit from
it a day when neither wealth nor children will be of any avail."
Tears came to Umar's eyes as he said:
"I swear that you are one of those who are hard against
themselves even when they are in dire need." And he ordered a
camel load of food and two garments to be given to Umayr who
"About the food, we do not need it, O Amir al-Mumineen. I left
two saas of barley with my family and when we have finished that,
Allah- Great and Exalted is He - will provide. As for the two
garments, I will take them for (my wife). Her dress is now in
tatters and she is almost naked."
Not long after that meeting with Umar al-Faruq, Umayr ibn Sad
passed away to his Lord. He was not weighted down with the cares
and burdens of the world and he was concerned to provide plenty
of provisions for the hereafter. Umar received the news of his
death with a heavy heart and said in deep sorrow: "I have wished
to have men like Umayr ibn Sad whose help I could seek in dealing
with the affairs of Muslims."
Shaik Sadik
O Allah! The (only) Creator of the heavens and the earth! You are
my Wali (Protector, Helper, Supporter, Guardian, etc.) in this
world and in the Hereafter, cause me to die as a Muslim (the one
submitting to Your Will), and join me with the righteous."
IF U want to ...
If u want to worship , worship Allah(swt)
If u want to give, give charity.
If u want to drink ,drink ur anger
If u want to hide,hide others secrets
If u want to repent,repent for ur own sins
If u want to do,do justice
If u want to eschew,eschew evil.
If u want to seek,seek knowledge
If u want to wear,wear smiling costume
If u want to control,control your desires
If u want to read(memorize) read Qur'an
If u want to live,live for others
If u want to have,have patience
If u want to show,show decency
If u want to share,share happiness
If u want to guide,guide towards straight path
If u want to please,please Allah(swt)
If u want to care,care of ur neighbours
If u want to eat,eat lawful
If u want to respect,respect your parents
If u want to become,become disciplined and obidient one
If u want to rule,rule your heart
If u want to defeat,defeat shaitan(devil)
If u want to marry,marry pious one
If u want to sow,sow good
If u want to help,help the needy and poor ones
If u want to fight,fight against the opressors
If u want to speak,speak truth
If u want to correct,correct yourself
If u want to establish,establish peace and serenity
If u want to meet,meet with courteous greetings
If u want to ask, ask from Allah(swt)
If u ant to follow ,follow Muhammed(saw)
If u want to perform,perform pilgrimage.
If u want to visit,visit makkah&medina
If u want to die,die for Islam
If u want to Success,do hardwork&wake early in the morning
If u want to forgive,forgive ur fellow beings
If u want to discuss,discuss on Qur'an
If u want to strive,strive in the way of Allah(swt)
If u want to do ,do Jihad
If u want to praise,praise The creator
If u want to Thanks,thanks Almighty lord
If u want to seek help,seek from the Best helper(Allah)
If u want to make freindship,make with good ones
If u want to convey,convey the message of Islam
If u want to stop, stop backbiting
If u want to be safe,dont let pride to come near u
If u want to act,act what u preach
If u want to distribute,distribute knowledge
If u want to practice,practice Islam
If u want to defend,defend the opressed one
If u want to steadfast,steadfast in adversity
If u want to trouble,trouble yourself not others
If u want to walk,walk with modesty
If u want to argue,argue with beautiful preachings
If u want to acheive,acheive paradise
If u want to love,love for others what u love for urself
If u want to live forever,die as a martyr
If u want to delete,delete unwanted things
If u want to fullfil,fullfil everbody's right
If u want to listen,listen what Quran and Hadees says
If u want to pray,pray Salah
If u want to take,take Du'a of your mother
If u want to find,find the Truth
If u want to solve,solve poverty
If u want to deal,deal with justice
If u want to prostrate,prostate before Allah(swt)
If u want to ignore,ignore the ignorant
If u want to kill,kill igoism
If u want to build,build characters
If u want to realize,realize time
If u want to work,work for ur family
If u want to keep,keep promises
If u want to discover,discover the signs of your Lord Almighty
If u want to imagine,imagine the last hour
If u want to wait,wait for the dooms day
If u want to see,see your mistakes
If u want to hear,hear the cry of yout heart
If u want to travel,travel to earn knowledge
If u want to have peace of mind,remember Allah(swt)
If u want to count,count the bounties on you
If u want to favour,favour quietly
He who kneels before Allaah can Stand before anyone.
"O you who believe! Be patient, and excel in patience, and remain steadfast and fear Allah, that you may be successful." [3:200)
If u want to give, give charity.
If u want to drink ,drink ur anger
If u want to hide,hide others secrets
If u want to repent,repent for ur own sins
If u want to do,do justice
If u want to eschew,eschew evil.
If u want to seek,seek knowledge
If u want to wear,wear smiling costume
If u want to control,control your desires
If u want to read(memorize) read Qur'an
If u want to live,live for others
If u want to have,have patience
If u want to show,show decency
If u want to share,share happiness
If u want to guide,guide towards straight path
If u want to please,please Allah(swt)
If u want to care,care of ur neighbours
If u want to eat,eat lawful
If u want to respect,respect your parents
If u want to become,become disciplined and obidient one
If u want to rule,rule your heart
If u want to defeat,defeat shaitan(devil)
If u want to marry,marry pious one
If u want to sow,sow good
If u want to help,help the needy and poor ones
If u want to fight,fight against the opressors
If u want to speak,speak truth
If u want to correct,correct yourself
If u want to establish,establish peace and serenity
If u want to meet,meet with courteous greetings
If u want to ask, ask from Allah(swt)
If u ant to follow ,follow Muhammed(saw)
If u want to perform,perform pilgrimage.
If u want to visit,visit makkah&medina
If u want to die,die for Islam
If u want to Success,do hardwork&wake early in the morning
If u want to forgive,forgive ur fellow beings
If u want to discuss,discuss on Qur'an
If u want to strive,strive in the way of Allah(swt)
If u want to do ,do Jihad
If u want to praise,praise The creator
If u want to Thanks,thanks Almighty lord
If u want to seek help,seek from the Best helper(Allah)
If u want to make freindship,make with good ones
If u want to convey,convey the message of Islam
If u want to stop, stop backbiting
If u want to be safe,dont let pride to come near u
If u want to act,act what u preach
If u want to distribute,distribute knowledge
If u want to practice,practice Islam
If u want to defend,defend the opressed one
If u want to steadfast,steadfast in adversity
If u want to trouble,trouble yourself not others
If u want to walk,walk with modesty
If u want to argue,argue with beautiful preachings
If u want to acheive,acheive paradise
If u want to love,love for others what u love for urself
If u want to live forever,die as a martyr
If u want to delete,delete unwanted things
If u want to fullfil,fullfil everbody's right
If u want to listen,listen what Quran and Hadees says
If u want to pray,pray Salah
If u want to take,take Du'a of your mother
If u want to find,find the Truth
If u want to solve,solve poverty
If u want to deal,deal with justice
If u want to prostrate,prostate before Allah(swt)
If u want to ignore,ignore the ignorant
If u want to kill,kill igoism
If u want to build,build characters
If u want to realize,realize time
If u want to work,work for ur family
If u want to keep,keep promises
If u want to discover,discover the signs of your Lord Almighty
If u want to imagine,imagine the last hour
If u want to wait,wait for the dooms day
If u want to see,see your mistakes
If u want to hear,hear the cry of yout heart
If u want to travel,travel to earn knowledge
If u want to have peace of mind,remember Allah(swt)
If u want to count,count the bounties on you
If u want to favour,favour quietly
He who kneels before Allaah can Stand before anyone.
"O you who believe! Be patient, and excel in patience, and remain steadfast and fear Allah, that you may be successful." [3:200)
The Arab world's silence has left the last word to those we call extremists
While Israel receives unanimous western support, this crisis is dragging the region ever faster into the abyss
Alain Gresh
Tuesday August 22, 2006
The Guardian
Killers slaughter dozens of civilians in Iraq every day just because they are Sunni Muslims. Suicide attacks are increasingly common in Afghanistan, where they used to be unknown. On the Gaza Strip, 1.5 million Palestinians are caught in a trap, hemmed in by the Israeli offensive and the decision by the US and the EU to freeze all direct aid. The sudden escalation of hostilities between Israel and Lebanon may drag Syria and Iran into a regional conflict. And the Iran nuclear crisis remains unresolved.
Not since 1967 has the Middle East suffered so many simultaneous high-intensity crises. They are all linked by many threads, making partial solutions more difficult and dragging the region ever faster into the abyss.
For many western observers there is no doubt about the culprit: Hizbullah, which aims to destroy Israel and unsettle the western camp. The analysis, predominant among politicians and the media, is close to that of the US neoconservatives: a new world war has started.
One leading US neocon ideologue, William Kristol, proudly proclaims that "it's our war," since he believes that in the face of an across-the-board attempt to destabilise the west, the Israeli government, led by Ehud Olmert, is undoubtedly "on the right side". Even as Lebanon was being bombed, the G8 issued a statement from its meeting in St Petersburg, signed by France, proclaiming Israel's "right to defend itself."
True, the initial Hizbullah attack on July 12 on an Israeli patrol led to six deaths and the capture of two soldiers. This was hardly an isolated incident . Skirmishes are commonplace along the Israel-Lebanon border. On May 26, Israel had a leader of the Islamic Jihad assassinated. Lebanese militants are still held in Israeli prisons.
Even if we accept that the Hizbullah incursion was illegal, how do we regard the systematic destruction of Lebanon? Under international law such action counts as a war crime. Who could imagine that the stated objective, to rescue two soldiers, justifies the death and destruction caused by Israel's bombing? Is a Lebanese life is worth less than an Israeli life?
The outcome of the Israeli offensive remains uncertain. Hizbullah is Lebanon's largest political party, with 12 members of parliament. It is deeply rooted in the Shia community, the country's largest, and enjoys enormous prestige for having liberated the south of Lebanon in 2000. It is allied with major political forces, such as General Michel Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Communist party, and the Syrian Social Nationalist party. To claim that Hizbullah is a pawn in the hands of Iran or Syria is absurd.
The occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and parts of the Golan Heights has lasted almost 40 years. Despite many UN security council resolutions and optimistic statements - the roadmap, approved by the US, Russia, the EU and the UN claimed that the Palestinian state would be set up before the end of 2005 - conditions in Palestine are deteriorating.
No progress was made in 2005. The authorities in Tel Aviv repeatedly explained to the world that Yasser Arafat was an obstacle to peace, but his death and replacement by Mahmoud Abbas did not force Ariel Sharon to give up his unilateral policies.
The Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, hailed by political leaders and the media as a courageous act, destroyed what remained of the Oslo accords: the principle that peace would be achieved through bilateral negotiation. For the Palestinian population of Gaza the evacuation did nothing to improve their predicament; it worsened their position. The pace of Israeli settlement of the West Bank quickens and the "peace process" is no more than an empty phrase used by the international community. Under these circumstances it is hardly surprising that Hamas should have won the general election in January. Yet the west promptly punished the Palestinians for making the wrong choice. With French backing, the EU deprived the Palestinian Authority of its direct aid, worsening living conditions and further hampering already enfeebled administrative bodies.
On the subject of the rockets fired from Gaza into the Israeli town of Sderot, Gideon Levy, an Israeli journalist for Ha'aretz, asked: "What would have happened if the Palestinians had not fired Qassams? Would Israel have lifted the economic siege that it imposed on Gaza? Would it open the border to Palestinian labourers? Free prisoners? Meet with the elected leadership and conduct negotiations? Encourage investment in Gaza? Nonsense. If the Gazans were sitting quietly, as Israel expects them to do, their case would disappear from the agenda here and around the world. Nobody would have given any thought to their fate if they did not behave violently."
After considerable tension, all the Palestinian organisations except Islamic Jihad signed a text on June 27 calling for a political solution based on the creation of a Palestinian state beside the state of Israel. It also restricted armed resistance to the occupied territories. This agreement opened the way for the formation of a government of national unity that could open peace negotiations. The next day the Israeli army invaded Gaza, on the pretext that a soldier had been taken hostage, but in fact to destroy Hamas.
This Israeli incursion, with its bombing of power stations and ministry buildings, arrests of political leaders, destruction of homes, and use of civilians as human shields also qualifies as a war crime. The Swiss government, the custodian of the Geneva conventions, said on July 4 that there is "no doubt Israel has not taken the precautions required of it in international law to protect the civilian population and infrastructure".
The wars against the Palestinians and Lebanese are parts of the same strategy, which seeks to impose a solution that only satisfies Israeli interests. Yet never in the past 40 years has Israeli policy received such unanimous western support. We have heard only a few voices of dissent, notably from the Vatican.
Again the Arab world has demonstrated its inability to intervene - so far. Arab states allied with the US feel unable to exert pressure on Washington. What they have done is to condemn Hizbullah and Hamas, implicitly justifying Israeli incursions. The Saudi foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, asked non-Arab parties to keep out of the conflict, obviously not referring to the US, but to Iran.
Abd al-Wahab Badrakhan, an al-Hayat columnist, wrote: "All the Arabs, from the Atlantic to the Gulf, know that the peace process is well and truly dead. However, the Arabs have never acknowledged that the peace process was dead, out of obstinacy and because they do not know how to get out of the swamp they have sunk into. Therefore, whether we like it or not, the final word has been left to those we call extremists or adventurers."
Hamas began in Gaza in 1987, after 20 years of Israeli occupation, surfing on the tidal wave of the first intifada. Hizbullah emerged from the fight against occupation forces after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. What new extremist organisation will rise from the fresh ruins of Lebanon?
Alain Gresh is a specialist on the Middle East for Le Monde Diplomatique. His most recent book is L'Islam, la République et le Monde (Fayard)
© 2006 Le Monde Diplomatique
Alain Gresh
Tuesday August 22, 2006
The Guardian
Killers slaughter dozens of civilians in Iraq every day just because they are Sunni Muslims. Suicide attacks are increasingly common in Afghanistan, where they used to be unknown. On the Gaza Strip, 1.5 million Palestinians are caught in a trap, hemmed in by the Israeli offensive and the decision by the US and the EU to freeze all direct aid. The sudden escalation of hostilities between Israel and Lebanon may drag Syria and Iran into a regional conflict. And the Iran nuclear crisis remains unresolved.
Not since 1967 has the Middle East suffered so many simultaneous high-intensity crises. They are all linked by many threads, making partial solutions more difficult and dragging the region ever faster into the abyss.
For many western observers there is no doubt about the culprit: Hizbullah, which aims to destroy Israel and unsettle the western camp. The analysis, predominant among politicians and the media, is close to that of the US neoconservatives: a new world war has started.
One leading US neocon ideologue, William Kristol, proudly proclaims that "it's our war," since he believes that in the face of an across-the-board attempt to destabilise the west, the Israeli government, led by Ehud Olmert, is undoubtedly "on the right side". Even as Lebanon was being bombed, the G8 issued a statement from its meeting in St Petersburg, signed by France, proclaiming Israel's "right to defend itself."
True, the initial Hizbullah attack on July 12 on an Israeli patrol led to six deaths and the capture of two soldiers. This was hardly an isolated incident . Skirmishes are commonplace along the Israel-Lebanon border. On May 26, Israel had a leader of the Islamic Jihad assassinated. Lebanese militants are still held in Israeli prisons.
Even if we accept that the Hizbullah incursion was illegal, how do we regard the systematic destruction of Lebanon? Under international law such action counts as a war crime. Who could imagine that the stated objective, to rescue two soldiers, justifies the death and destruction caused by Israel's bombing? Is a Lebanese life is worth less than an Israeli life?
The outcome of the Israeli offensive remains uncertain. Hizbullah is Lebanon's largest political party, with 12 members of parliament. It is deeply rooted in the Shia community, the country's largest, and enjoys enormous prestige for having liberated the south of Lebanon in 2000. It is allied with major political forces, such as General Michel Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement, the Lebanese Communist party, and the Syrian Social Nationalist party. To claim that Hizbullah is a pawn in the hands of Iran or Syria is absurd.
The occupation of Gaza, the West Bank, East Jerusalem and parts of the Golan Heights has lasted almost 40 years. Despite many UN security council resolutions and optimistic statements - the roadmap, approved by the US, Russia, the EU and the UN claimed that the Palestinian state would be set up before the end of 2005 - conditions in Palestine are deteriorating.
No progress was made in 2005. The authorities in Tel Aviv repeatedly explained to the world that Yasser Arafat was an obstacle to peace, but his death and replacement by Mahmoud Abbas did not force Ariel Sharon to give up his unilateral policies.
The Israeli withdrawal from Gaza in 2005, hailed by political leaders and the media as a courageous act, destroyed what remained of the Oslo accords: the principle that peace would be achieved through bilateral negotiation. For the Palestinian population of Gaza the evacuation did nothing to improve their predicament; it worsened their position. The pace of Israeli settlement of the West Bank quickens and the "peace process" is no more than an empty phrase used by the international community. Under these circumstances it is hardly surprising that Hamas should have won the general election in January. Yet the west promptly punished the Palestinians for making the wrong choice. With French backing, the EU deprived the Palestinian Authority of its direct aid, worsening living conditions and further hampering already enfeebled administrative bodies.
On the subject of the rockets fired from Gaza into the Israeli town of Sderot, Gideon Levy, an Israeli journalist for Ha'aretz, asked: "What would have happened if the Palestinians had not fired Qassams? Would Israel have lifted the economic siege that it imposed on Gaza? Would it open the border to Palestinian labourers? Free prisoners? Meet with the elected leadership and conduct negotiations? Encourage investment in Gaza? Nonsense. If the Gazans were sitting quietly, as Israel expects them to do, their case would disappear from the agenda here and around the world. Nobody would have given any thought to their fate if they did not behave violently."
After considerable tension, all the Palestinian organisations except Islamic Jihad signed a text on June 27 calling for a political solution based on the creation of a Palestinian state beside the state of Israel. It also restricted armed resistance to the occupied territories. This agreement opened the way for the formation of a government of national unity that could open peace negotiations. The next day the Israeli army invaded Gaza, on the pretext that a soldier had been taken hostage, but in fact to destroy Hamas.
This Israeli incursion, with its bombing of power stations and ministry buildings, arrests of political leaders, destruction of homes, and use of civilians as human shields also qualifies as a war crime. The Swiss government, the custodian of the Geneva conventions, said on July 4 that there is "no doubt Israel has not taken the precautions required of it in international law to protect the civilian population and infrastructure".
The wars against the Palestinians and Lebanese are parts of the same strategy, which seeks to impose a solution that only satisfies Israeli interests. Yet never in the past 40 years has Israeli policy received such unanimous western support. We have heard only a few voices of dissent, notably from the Vatican.
Again the Arab world has demonstrated its inability to intervene - so far. Arab states allied with the US feel unable to exert pressure on Washington. What they have done is to condemn Hizbullah and Hamas, implicitly justifying Israeli incursions. The Saudi foreign minister, Saud al-Faisal, asked non-Arab parties to keep out of the conflict, obviously not referring to the US, but to Iran.
Abd al-Wahab Badrakhan, an al-Hayat columnist, wrote: "All the Arabs, from the Atlantic to the Gulf, know that the peace process is well and truly dead. However, the Arabs have never acknowledged that the peace process was dead, out of obstinacy and because they do not know how to get out of the swamp they have sunk into. Therefore, whether we like it or not, the final word has been left to those we call extremists or adventurers."
Hamas began in Gaza in 1987, after 20 years of Israeli occupation, surfing on the tidal wave of the first intifada. Hizbullah emerged from the fight against occupation forces after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982. What new extremist organisation will rise from the fresh ruins of Lebanon?
Alain Gresh is a specialist on the Middle East for Le Monde Diplomatique. His most recent book is L'Islam, la République et le Monde (Fayard)
© 2006 Le Monde Diplomatique
Did Putin push it?
Published: 17 Jul 2006
By: Faisal Islam
Was Vladimir Putin the man behind Bush & Blair's open mic spot?
Faisal Islam Blog: Strelna, St Petersburg, Russia. 17th July 2006 2243
We could hardly believe it.
The G8 leaders caught unawares by a rogue microphone.
Well actually it was just two G8 leaders. President Bush and Tony Blair candidly having a conversation about the Middle East crisis which suggested frustration with the United Nations along with some revealing small talk.
Bush tells Blair that he likes the sweater Blair chose for him personally, noisily chews on a buttered role, whilst swearing about Hezbollah, and referring to Syrian President Bashar-al-assad .. as Bashad. He confides to Tony that he's annoyed that other leaders "talk for too long" because he wants to go home and most amusingly summons him with the greeting "Yo Blair".
The Prime minister leans over Bush whilst he's chomping away at his dinner in a manner not dissimilar to that of a teenage boy desperately trying to capture the interest of a disinterested hotty.
But who was responsible for these stunning insights into the group of 8 dynamic?
Well, the channel 4 team had, what you might call a "Usual suspect slow motion coffee mug dropping moment" when we realized that one of the rogue microphones picking up these secrets was none other than that of Russian president Vladimir Putin, who had left his chair!
Surely not?
Scrolling through the tape - we sought the point at which Bush's private thoughts begin to be broadcast to the world.
And yes at the moment the sound comes on, Vladimir Putin is sat smiling wryly at his seat, you can't see his hands, but the red light on his microphone lights up, indicating that it was the source of the recording.
The old tricks of an ex-KGB agent. Surely not? An electrical fault perhaps? Maybe a harmless practical joke? See the video for yourself >>here
My best guess? A Russian president who's been on the receiving end of the odd lecture from western leaders about Russian democracy, has just made a pretty effective point about transparent government.
Faisal Islam
>>Watch Faisal Islam's report
>>Watch the whole conversation
We'd like to hear what you think? Do you think Putin was the man who pushed the button open? Send us your emails to >>news@channel4.com
By: Faisal Islam
Was Vladimir Putin the man behind Bush & Blair's open mic spot?
Faisal Islam Blog: Strelna, St Petersburg, Russia. 17th July 2006 2243
We could hardly believe it.
The G8 leaders caught unawares by a rogue microphone.
Well actually it was just two G8 leaders. President Bush and Tony Blair candidly having a conversation about the Middle East crisis which suggested frustration with the United Nations along with some revealing small talk.
Bush tells Blair that he likes the sweater Blair chose for him personally, noisily chews on a buttered role, whilst swearing about Hezbollah, and referring to Syrian President Bashar-al-assad .. as Bashad. He confides to Tony that he's annoyed that other leaders "talk for too long" because he wants to go home and most amusingly summons him with the greeting "Yo Blair".
The Prime minister leans over Bush whilst he's chomping away at his dinner in a manner not dissimilar to that of a teenage boy desperately trying to capture the interest of a disinterested hotty.
But who was responsible for these stunning insights into the group of 8 dynamic?
Well, the channel 4 team had, what you might call a "Usual suspect slow motion coffee mug dropping moment" when we realized that one of the rogue microphones picking up these secrets was none other than that of Russian president Vladimir Putin, who had left his chair!
Surely not?
Scrolling through the tape - we sought the point at which Bush's private thoughts begin to be broadcast to the world.
And yes at the moment the sound comes on, Vladimir Putin is sat smiling wryly at his seat, you can't see his hands, but the red light on his microphone lights up, indicating that it was the source of the recording.
The old tricks of an ex-KGB agent. Surely not? An electrical fault perhaps? Maybe a harmless practical joke? See the video for yourself >>here
My best guess? A Russian president who's been on the receiving end of the odd lecture from western leaders about Russian democracy, has just made a pretty effective point about transparent government.
Faisal Islam
>>Watch Faisal Islam's report
>>Watch the whole conversation
We'd like to hear what you think? Do you think Putin was the man who pushed the button open? Send us your emails to >>news@channel4.com
Islam is..
Islam is a way of life, try it.
Islam is a gift, accept it.
Islam is a journey, complete it.
Islam is a struggle, fight for it.
Islam is a goal, achieve it.
Islam is an opportunity, take it.
Islam is not for sinners, overcome it.
Islam is not a game, don't play with it.
Islam is not a mystery, behold it.
Islam is not for cowards, face it.
Islam is not for the dead, live it.
Islam is a promise, fulfil it.
Islam is a duty, perform it.
Islam is a treasure (the Prayer), pray it.
Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it.
Islam has a message for you, hear it.
Islam is love, love it
Islam is a gift, accept it.
Islam is a journey, complete it.
Islam is a struggle, fight for it.
Islam is a goal, achieve it.
Islam is an opportunity, take it.
Islam is not for sinners, overcome it.
Islam is not a game, don't play with it.
Islam is not a mystery, behold it.
Islam is not for cowards, face it.
Islam is not for the dead, live it.
Islam is a promise, fulfil it.
Islam is a duty, perform it.
Islam is a treasure (the Prayer), pray it.
Islam is a beautiful way of life, see it.
Islam has a message for you, hear it.
Islam is love, love it
A bucket of water
An old man lived on a farm in the mountains of eastern Kentucky with his young grandson. Each morning Grandpa was up early sitting at the kitchen table reading his Quraan ..
His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Papa, I try to read the Quraan just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Quraan do?"
The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water." The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.
The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.
The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty.
Out of breath, he said, "See Papa, it's useless!""So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket. "The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.
"Son, that's what happens when you read the Quraan. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives."
PS: Of course, we have to understand what we read, refer to translations etc. and try our best to learn Arabic. But the Holy Quran recitation holds blessings in recitation itself. ALHAMDULILLAH.
His grandson wanted to be just like him and tried to imitate him in every way he could. One day the grandson asked, "Papa, I try to read the Quraan just like you but I don't understand it, and what I do understand I forget as soon as I close the book. What good does reading the Quraan do?"
The Grandfather quietly turned from putting coal in the stove and replied, "Take this coal basket down to the river and bring me back a basket of water." The boy did as he was told, but all the water leaked out before he got back to the house. The grandfather laughed and said, "You'll have to move a little faster next time," and sent him back to the river with the basket to try again. This time the boy ran faster, but again the basket was empty before he returned home. Out of breath, he told his grandfather that it was impossible to carry water in a basket, and he went to get a bucket instead.
The old man said, "I don't want a bucket of water; I want a basket of water. You're just not trying hard enough," and he went out the door to watch the boy try again.
At this point, the boy knew it was impossible, but he wanted to show his grandfather that even if he ran as fast as he could, the water would leak out before he got back to the house.
The boy again dipped the basket into river and ran hard, but when he reached his grandfather the basket was again empty.
Out of breath, he said, "See Papa, it's useless!""So you think it is useless?" The old man said, "Look at the basket. "The boy looked at the basket and for the first time realized that the basket was different. It had been transformed from a dirty old coal basket and was now clean, inside and out.
"Son, that's what happens when you read the Quraan. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read it, you will be changed, inside and out. That is the work of Allah in our lives."
PS: Of course, we have to understand what we read, refer to translations etc. and try our best to learn Arabic. But the Holy Quran recitation holds blessings in recitation itself. ALHAMDULILLAH.
Voices of Lebanese Refugees in Venezuela’s Embassy
Thursday, Aug 17, 2006
By: Angel Palacios and Eduardo Viloria
Damascus, Syria--Before the aggression against Lebanon began, boxes were moved from one side to the next in the Venezuelan Embassy in Syria. The small office of the embassy was going to move to a larger space. But on the day scheduled for the move, the bombings began in neighboring Lebanon, and the new diplomatic headquarters of Venezuela in Syria had the dignity of opening its doors for the first time, as a shelter to give life to those who arrived, fleeing from Israel’s bombs.
Hundreds of Lebanese Venezuelans have passed through this shelter. They come fleeing from a tragedy. They live the desolation of having lost their homes, and some, their loved ones. They live happy to be alive. They live the uncertainty of leaving behind their land, and the expectation to begin over again from scratch. They live the pain of seeing their country destroyed.
For Venezuelans, these images remind us all too well of the Vargas Tragedy caused by the rains of 1999. But with one huge difference. This time the tragedy was not a work of Mother Nature, but of the irrational terrorist insanity of the Israeli government, that has launched missiles and satellite-controlled planes against the Lebanese population for a month.
When we arrived to the shelter to gather these testimonies, we tried to better understand what was actually happening in Lebanon. But what is happening has no logic. These are the voices of some of those who escaped with their lives, from the genocide committed by Israel.
Yusef was born in Lebanon and arrived to Venezuela 40 years ago, 19 of which he lived in Caracas and the rest in Colonia Tovar where he presently works planting trees. Like so many other Lebanese he decided to go on vacation to his hometown in Lebanon with his entire family. There he was taken by surprise by the beginning of the bombings.
“On August 1st the Israeli airplanes arrived and with no reason began to bomb around our village in Bikaa Gazbe El Garbi. During these bombings they killed 4 people in my village. One of them was working in a woodshop. The others were farmers, they were arriving in a truck with their vegetables and they were bombed.”
“I’m not afraid of the Israelis, but my children were terrorized and that’s why we decided to leave. We’re not guerrilla soldiers. We are defenseless people. We are here in the shelter of the Embassy waiting for the plane to return to Venezuela. I give my thanks to Chavez for having saved so many people.”
Yusef’s family members are part of 80 people who were located, at the time of these interviews, in the shelters that the Embassy set up in Damascus to house the Lebanse Venezuelans while they await an airplane to return them to Venezuela. This flight is the latest of 5 to evacuate close to 700 refugees that have returned to Venezuela.
Another refugee, Mohamed Majzoub, had his family in Lebanon, while he stayed back to work in Ciudad Bolivar. On July 26th he received a call. Their house in Lebanon had been destroyed by the bombings.
In the neighborhood 10 people died. Fortunately, his family was saved because they were visiting their neighbors. Muhamad decision was quick, and in three days he found himself on the Lebanese border ready to cross into the country to search for his family, to bring them back to Venezuela.
His journey was not easy. He found his country destroyed.
“I crossed the country as I could. There were bridges and roads destroyed by the bombs. When I arrived to my village I saw that my three-story home was totally in ruins.”
TAREK DEBIAN has been in the shelter for a week. He left Lebanon with one of the caravans organized by the Embassy in Beirut. With his camera he registered the 14 hour trip to Damascus in Syria.
“It’s a trip that in times of peace would take 30 minutes. One of the bridges was destroyed five minutes after our caravan crossed it.”
Among the fellow citizens with whom we spoke in the shelter, is Coromoto Makhool, born in Tumeremo and living with her husband Jalil and three children in the town of ZOUK MIKAEL, in Lebanon for many years.
“We can’t return to Lebanon. We lost everything. The bombs destroyed our home, and also the television station LBC and the cell phone towers close to our house. We were left without water and electricity.”
Coromoto’s husband, Jalil, works at a newspaper in Lebanon. Today his hope lays in the beginning of a new life in Venezuela, the land of his wife.
“Our home was in an area where there were no conflicts, but all of us who are from there are people who support the Lebanese resistance. Because of this they bombed us, to pressure us to stop supporting the resistance. They want the people to turn our backs to the resistance but they won’t achieve it. We had to flee for the safety of our child who suffers from leukemia and who has to remain under medical care. But we continue to support the Lebanese resistance against the aggression of Israel. We pour our heart and soul into the resistance and I have faith that with the help of God victory will be ours. Chavez had the smarts and the guts to tell the thief to GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE.”
In the shelter we also found Hana Hojaij, a Lebanese Venezuelan from San Felix, with her husband, daughters, and sisters.
“In Lebanon we had everything and now we have nothing. We only have what we were wearing. The bombs destroyed four houses besides mine. There were bombings day and night. We tried to find shelter in Beirut and we thought we were safe. That they wouldn’t bomb there. But three bombs fell in the neighborhood. One close to the house where we were. Two of my cousins died there, one was 24 and the other only 10.”
Hana’s family was moved by the Venezuelan Embassy in Lebanon to Damascus. The eldest daugher of Hana celebrated her fourth birthday in the shelter.
The logic of terror has its methods, and they are being distributed without pity by the Israelis, as Mohsen Ali Hojiej tells us.
From his house in the mountains of Lebanon, he saw the bombings begin around his village, in an open field. With each passing day the jets came closer to his home. And each day that passed more of his neighbors abandoned the village of Diyrintar. Until the fear for his family’s safety entered his home, and they found shelter in the nearby mountains with every intention of returning. But he saw them destroy his house from afar. 8 neighbors died. He began his path to the shelter in Damascus.
“The smoke of the bombs was very black. Each time it was more difficult to breathe. And when you would breathe that smoke, an hour later you would begin to get dizzy. I’ve had a headache since then and I cannot sleep. The same thing happens to all of us. They’re using some chemical substance in the bombs that is affecting people.”
The day after these testimonies, August 12th, the airplane arrived with the Venezuelan flag to transport the refugee citizens.
The airport in Damascus received the 150 refugees, equaling a total that surpasses 1200 evacuees since the first flight on July 28th.
On the other side of the border the bombings continue, but if Israel’s bombs travel by plane, life and hope travel by plane as well.
Israel will surely not stop their attacks immediately, but hope— and the response of the Lebanese resistance, strengthened by solidarity from across the world— will overcome. Lebanon is not alone.
Translated for Venezuelanalysis.com from Spanish by the North-South collective.
By: Angel Palacios and Eduardo Viloria
Damascus, Syria--Before the aggression against Lebanon began, boxes were moved from one side to the next in the Venezuelan Embassy in Syria. The small office of the embassy was going to move to a larger space. But on the day scheduled for the move, the bombings began in neighboring Lebanon, and the new diplomatic headquarters of Venezuela in Syria had the dignity of opening its doors for the first time, as a shelter to give life to those who arrived, fleeing from Israel’s bombs.
Hundreds of Lebanese Venezuelans have passed through this shelter. They come fleeing from a tragedy. They live the desolation of having lost their homes, and some, their loved ones. They live happy to be alive. They live the uncertainty of leaving behind their land, and the expectation to begin over again from scratch. They live the pain of seeing their country destroyed.
For Venezuelans, these images remind us all too well of the Vargas Tragedy caused by the rains of 1999. But with one huge difference. This time the tragedy was not a work of Mother Nature, but of the irrational terrorist insanity of the Israeli government, that has launched missiles and satellite-controlled planes against the Lebanese population for a month.
When we arrived to the shelter to gather these testimonies, we tried to better understand what was actually happening in Lebanon. But what is happening has no logic. These are the voices of some of those who escaped with their lives, from the genocide committed by Israel.
Yusef was born in Lebanon and arrived to Venezuela 40 years ago, 19 of which he lived in Caracas and the rest in Colonia Tovar where he presently works planting trees. Like so many other Lebanese he decided to go on vacation to his hometown in Lebanon with his entire family. There he was taken by surprise by the beginning of the bombings.
“On August 1st the Israeli airplanes arrived and with no reason began to bomb around our village in Bikaa Gazbe El Garbi. During these bombings they killed 4 people in my village. One of them was working in a woodshop. The others were farmers, they were arriving in a truck with their vegetables and they were bombed.”
“I’m not afraid of the Israelis, but my children were terrorized and that’s why we decided to leave. We’re not guerrilla soldiers. We are defenseless people. We are here in the shelter of the Embassy waiting for the plane to return to Venezuela. I give my thanks to Chavez for having saved so many people.”
Yusef’s family members are part of 80 people who were located, at the time of these interviews, in the shelters that the Embassy set up in Damascus to house the Lebanse Venezuelans while they await an airplane to return them to Venezuela. This flight is the latest of 5 to evacuate close to 700 refugees that have returned to Venezuela.
Another refugee, Mohamed Majzoub, had his family in Lebanon, while he stayed back to work in Ciudad Bolivar. On July 26th he received a call. Their house in Lebanon had been destroyed by the bombings.
In the neighborhood 10 people died. Fortunately, his family was saved because they were visiting their neighbors. Muhamad decision was quick, and in three days he found himself on the Lebanese border ready to cross into the country to search for his family, to bring them back to Venezuela.
His journey was not easy. He found his country destroyed.
“I crossed the country as I could. There were bridges and roads destroyed by the bombs. When I arrived to my village I saw that my three-story home was totally in ruins.”
TAREK DEBIAN has been in the shelter for a week. He left Lebanon with one of the caravans organized by the Embassy in Beirut. With his camera he registered the 14 hour trip to Damascus in Syria.
“It’s a trip that in times of peace would take 30 minutes. One of the bridges was destroyed five minutes after our caravan crossed it.”
Among the fellow citizens with whom we spoke in the shelter, is Coromoto Makhool, born in Tumeremo and living with her husband Jalil and three children in the town of ZOUK MIKAEL, in Lebanon for many years.
“We can’t return to Lebanon. We lost everything. The bombs destroyed our home, and also the television station LBC and the cell phone towers close to our house. We were left without water and electricity.”
Coromoto’s husband, Jalil, works at a newspaper in Lebanon. Today his hope lays in the beginning of a new life in Venezuela, the land of his wife.
“Our home was in an area where there were no conflicts, but all of us who are from there are people who support the Lebanese resistance. Because of this they bombed us, to pressure us to stop supporting the resistance. They want the people to turn our backs to the resistance but they won’t achieve it. We had to flee for the safety of our child who suffers from leukemia and who has to remain under medical care. But we continue to support the Lebanese resistance against the aggression of Israel. We pour our heart and soul into the resistance and I have faith that with the help of God victory will be ours. Chavez had the smarts and the guts to tell the thief to GET OUT OF OUR HOUSE.”
In the shelter we also found Hana Hojaij, a Lebanese Venezuelan from San Felix, with her husband, daughters, and sisters.
“In Lebanon we had everything and now we have nothing. We only have what we were wearing. The bombs destroyed four houses besides mine. There were bombings day and night. We tried to find shelter in Beirut and we thought we were safe. That they wouldn’t bomb there. But three bombs fell in the neighborhood. One close to the house where we were. Two of my cousins died there, one was 24 and the other only 10.”
Hana’s family was moved by the Venezuelan Embassy in Lebanon to Damascus. The eldest daugher of Hana celebrated her fourth birthday in the shelter.
The logic of terror has its methods, and they are being distributed without pity by the Israelis, as Mohsen Ali Hojiej tells us.
From his house in the mountains of Lebanon, he saw the bombings begin around his village, in an open field. With each passing day the jets came closer to his home. And each day that passed more of his neighbors abandoned the village of Diyrintar. Until the fear for his family’s safety entered his home, and they found shelter in the nearby mountains with every intention of returning. But he saw them destroy his house from afar. 8 neighbors died. He began his path to the shelter in Damascus.
“The smoke of the bombs was very black. Each time it was more difficult to breathe. And when you would breathe that smoke, an hour later you would begin to get dizzy. I’ve had a headache since then and I cannot sleep. The same thing happens to all of us. They’re using some chemical substance in the bombs that is affecting people.”
The day after these testimonies, August 12th, the airplane arrived with the Venezuelan flag to transport the refugee citizens.
The airport in Damascus received the 150 refugees, equaling a total that surpasses 1200 evacuees since the first flight on July 28th.
On the other side of the border the bombings continue, but if Israel’s bombs travel by plane, life and hope travel by plane as well.
Israel will surely not stop their attacks immediately, but hope— and the response of the Lebanese resistance, strengthened by solidarity from across the world— will overcome. Lebanon is not alone.
Translated for Venezuelanalysis.com from Spanish by the North-South collective.
'Islam is History', Says Stooge Taslima Nasreen (Wow)
"The EASIEST Way for a Muslim to get INTO the GOOD BOOKS of the Non Muslim world is to Attack Islam. Then you will be regarded as a Progressive, Modern & Intellectual Being & will be used against the Muslims . Little do these Types of Muslims & the Non Muslims realize that this ploy of theirs will have NO IMPACT on Islam. Instead there will be a SIGNIFICANT impact in the Relationship between the Muslim World & the Non Muslim World. As far as we are Concerned, these Types of Muslims ARE STOOGES of the Non Muslim World Doing their DIRTY Work"
' Islam is History', says Taslima
Posted Tuesday , August 22, 2006 at 18:23
Thiruvananthapuram: ' Islam is history because we live in the 21st century now', opined controversial exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen on Tuesday.
"The Islam religion and their scriptures are out of place and out of time. It still follows 7th century laws and is hopeless. The need of the hour is not reformation but revolution," Taslima told reporters.
The feminist author of Bengali book Lajja is in Kerala in connection with the release of the Malayalam translation of four of her books, which would be released at Thrissur on August 24. Nasreen said a secular state should have a uniform civil code and should be based on equality, existence and not on religion.
"The state can do a lot of things, and both the state and religion should be separate. The state should not encourage religion. Today religious education and madrassas (religious seminaries) are going up. Jehad is stupidity," said the writer.
She said she had been fighting religious fundamentalism for long.
"I don't go to the streets, instead I write and that is my way of protest. I was born in a Muslim family and Muslim women suffer under Islam. No one told me to fight against oppression. It was inside me. Women are treated as slaves, sexual objects and childbearing machines," added Nasreen.
According to Nasreen, noted Kerala writer Kamala Surayya, who was Kamala Das before she converted to Islam, had now realised that she had made a mistake in converting to Islam. She had held a meeting with Surayya earlier. "When I asked her if she regrets becoming a Muslim, she said 'yes' . She has realised that Islam does not give equality," said the writer.
She said she would love to return to her country, and if not allowed to then she would like to live in Kolkata because a writer likes to live in surroundings familiar to them.
"For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)
' Islam is History', says Taslima
Posted Tuesday , August 22, 2006 at 18:23
Thiruvananthapuram: ' Islam is history because we live in the 21st century now', opined controversial exiled Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreen on Tuesday.
"The Islam religion and their scriptures are out of place and out of time. It still follows 7th century laws and is hopeless. The need of the hour is not reformation but revolution," Taslima told reporters.
The feminist author of Bengali book Lajja is in Kerala in connection with the release of the Malayalam translation of four of her books, which would be released at Thrissur on August 24. Nasreen said a secular state should have a uniform civil code and should be based on equality, existence and not on religion.
"The state can do a lot of things, and both the state and religion should be separate. The state should not encourage religion. Today religious education and madrassas (religious seminaries) are going up. Jehad is stupidity," said the writer.
She said she had been fighting religious fundamentalism for long.
"I don't go to the streets, instead I write and that is my way of protest. I was born in a Muslim family and Muslim women suffer under Islam. No one told me to fight against oppression. It was inside me. Women are treated as slaves, sexual objects and childbearing machines," added Nasreen.
According to Nasreen, noted Kerala writer Kamala Surayya, who was Kamala Das before she converted to Islam, had now realised that she had made a mistake in converting to Islam. She had held a meeting with Surayya earlier. "When I asked her if she regrets becoming a Muslim, she said 'yes' . She has realised that Islam does not give equality," said the writer.
She said she would love to return to her country, and if not allowed to then she would like to live in Kolkata because a writer likes to live in surroundings familiar to them.
"For to us will be their return; then it will be for us to call them to account." (Holy Quran 88:25-26)
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Comedian sues Jews for Jesus
By Daniel Trotta
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jews for Jesus thought it was amusing to put comedian Jackie Mason's image on a pamphlet aimed at converting Jews to Christianity, but Mason found it no laughing matter and has sued the group for $4 million (2.1 million pounds).
"I found it disgusting and obnoxious, and I find it even more disgusting and obnoxious that the spokesman for that organisation says, 'Why doesn't he have a sense of humour about it?'" Mason, 75 and famously Jewish, told Reuters on Friday.
"It's like if they kidnap my children and say, 'So what, you never saw a child before?'"
Mason's lawyer filed the suit in New York Supreme Court on Wednesday, and Jews for Jesus on Friday asked a federal court to take the case.
It is now up to a federal judge to decide which court should have jurisdiction.
"As everyone knows, I am as Jewish as a matzoh ball or kosher salami (not to mention that I was an ordained rabbi)," Mason says in an affidavit in support of the lawsuit, which seeks an injunction halting distribution of the pamphlet, compensatory damages of $2 million and exemplary damages of $2 million.
Jews for Jesus, which says it has a mailing list of 150,000 people, has launched an advertising blitz on New York subways and earlier this year handed out thousands of pamphlets with a cartoon drawing of Mason with a text saying, "Jackie Mason ... a Jew for Jesus?"
"He's a public persona. It postulated that even someone as Jewish as Jackie Mason could come to faith in Jesus if he wanted to," said Susan Perlman, a spokeswoman for the group.
"It's humorous, hardly labelling him a Jew for Jesus. ... We thought it would be flattering to him," she said.
Mason was having none of that.
"First of all there's no such thing as a Jew for Jesus. If you believe in Jesus you're a Christian. That's the point of Christianity. You can't be a table and also a chair.
"I have to develop a whole new act now," said Mason, who accused the group of stealing his "schtick" of poking fun at the differences between Jews and Gentiles.
Perlman said Jews for Jesus were ethnic Jews "who have come to faith in Jesus as the promised messiah and saviour."
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Jews for Jesus thought it was amusing to put comedian Jackie Mason's image on a pamphlet aimed at converting Jews to Christianity, but Mason found it no laughing matter and has sued the group for $4 million (2.1 million pounds).
"I found it disgusting and obnoxious, and I find it even more disgusting and obnoxious that the spokesman for that organisation says, 'Why doesn't he have a sense of humour about it?'" Mason, 75 and famously Jewish, told Reuters on Friday.
"It's like if they kidnap my children and say, 'So what, you never saw a child before?'"
Mason's lawyer filed the suit in New York Supreme Court on Wednesday, and Jews for Jesus on Friday asked a federal court to take the case.
It is now up to a federal judge to decide which court should have jurisdiction.
"As everyone knows, I am as Jewish as a matzoh ball or kosher salami (not to mention that I was an ordained rabbi)," Mason says in an affidavit in support of the lawsuit, which seeks an injunction halting distribution of the pamphlet, compensatory damages of $2 million and exemplary damages of $2 million.
Jews for Jesus, which says it has a mailing list of 150,000 people, has launched an advertising blitz on New York subways and earlier this year handed out thousands of pamphlets with a cartoon drawing of Mason with a text saying, "Jackie Mason ... a Jew for Jesus?"
"He's a public persona. It postulated that even someone as Jewish as Jackie Mason could come to faith in Jesus if he wanted to," said Susan Perlman, a spokeswoman for the group.
"It's humorous, hardly labelling him a Jew for Jesus. ... We thought it would be flattering to him," she said.
Mason was having none of that.
"First of all there's no such thing as a Jew for Jesus. If you believe in Jesus you're a Christian. That's the point of Christianity. You can't be a table and also a chair.
"I have to develop a whole new act now," said Mason, who accused the group of stealing his "schtick" of poking fun at the differences between Jews and Gentiles.
Perlman said Jews for Jesus were ethnic Jews "who have come to faith in Jesus as the promised messiah and saviour."
Friday, August 25, 2006
Word of Wisdom!!!
Dialogue between a traveler and the prophet (saw)
A traveler once came to the mosque to see the prophet. After greeting the prophet he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and the prophet.
Traveler: I do not want adhaab to be written in my account.
Prophet: behave well with your parents
Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
Prophet: fear Allah always.
Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.
Prophet: recite quran every morning and evening.
Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened. ( roshan and munawer)
Prophet: never forget death
Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.
Prophet: always treat fellow creatures well.
Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
Prophet: always have faith in only Allah.
Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet: be careful of your actions.
Traveler: I wish to live long.
Prophet: always do sile rahm. ( goodness towards blood relations)
Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.
Prophet: always be in wudhoo.
Traveler: I wish to stay free of adhaab in the grave.
Prophet: always wear pure (paak) clothes.
Traveler: I never want to burn in hell.
Prophet: control your eyes and tongue.
Traveler: how do I get my sins forgiven.
Prophet: always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility.
Traveler: I want people to respect me always.
Prophet: never extend your hands of need at people.
Traveler: I want to always be honored.
Prophet: never humiliate or put down anyone.
Traveler: I don't want to be squeezed by fishare qabr. ( squeezing in the grave)
Prophet: recite sura e mulk often.
Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.
Prophet: recite sura e waqia every night.
Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on day of judgement.
Prophet: do zikr of Allah from dusk to night.
Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during Salaat.
Prophet: always do wudhoo with concentration and attention
What Allah requires His slaves to do is easy. He does not want hardship to come to those striving to worship Him. He said, what translated means: "And strive hard in Allah's cause as you ought to strive (with sincerity). He has chosen you (to convey Islam), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship, it is the religion of your father Abraham (Islam). It is He (Allah) who has named you Muslims both before and in this (the Quran), that the Messenger (Mohammad) may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind. So offer prayer perfectly, give Zakat (compulsory charity), and hold fast to Allah, He is your Lord, what an excellent Lord and what an excellent helper!" [22:78]
If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise Allah.
Difficult moments, seek Allah.
Quiet moments, worship Allah.
Painful moments, trust Allah.
Every moment, thank Allah.
When things are down,
And you are out of your mind,
Just Remember, Allah is The All-Kind.
When your life is in darkness,
And nothing is right,
Just Remember,
Through the darkness, Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense,
And your heading for demise,
Just Remember,
It doesn't make sense but, Allah is The All-Wise.
When times are troubled,
And no one seems to care,
Just Remember, Allah won't hurt you, He is Just.
When your heart is breaking,
And your pain makes you fall,
Just Remember, Allah Sees all.
When you are weak,
And the road seems long,
Just Remember, Seek strength from The All-Strong.
When life is a burden,
And everything is unstable,
Just Remember, Allah is Able to do all.
When the way is cloudy,
And there is no one by your side,
Just Remember, Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen,
Or is willing to lend an ear,
Just Remember, Allah is the All-Hearing.
When you are poor and penniless,
And you are stuck in a niche,
Just Remember, Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery,
And there is nowhere to run,
Just Remember,
You can always run to The One.
When you r all alone,
And your pain has no end,
Just Remember, Allah is the only one you can depend on.
And when your scars are hurting,
And your heart is in fear,
Just Remember, Allah is with those who are patient!!!
Volume 1, Book 3, Number 100:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al' As:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Allah does not take away the knowledge, by taking it away from (the hearts of) the people, but takes it away by the death of the religious learned men till when none of the (religious learned men) remains, people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people astray."
Surat Name Al Tauba Ayaat No. 53 Para No.10
O Muhammad tell these people whether they do good deeds happily or unhappily GOD would not accept their virtues meaning Neykkian because they are folk who are disobedient to God’s Commandments”
Where there is true faith, there is obedience of GOD.
Here God want to remind human beings that for hereafter He never accepts virtues- good deeds- Neykkian done verbally, physically, materially and above all DUA of those who are disobedient to God’s Hookmaats which means God’s given commandments in the Holy Book. Yes as for rewards of good deeds done by these disobedient people, God would compensate return them in this life but not in hereafter that IS what we must understand here.
Surat Name AL Anaam, Ayaat No.20, Para No. 7
God says in this verse that signs of His righteous people are those who recognized the verses of God’s Holy Book as if they recognized their own sons easily from distance”
Sahih al Bukhari Volume 9, Book 92, Number 382:
Narrated 'Abdullah:
The best talk (speech) is Allah's Book 'Quran), and the best way is the way of Muhammad, and the worst matters are the heresies (those new things which are introduced into the religion); and whatever you have been promised will surely come to pass, and you cannot escape (it).
"Tips to Maintain Concentration in Salaah"
1. Before standing up for Prayer, try to deal with all the minor urgent matters which demand your attention. If you are pressed by hunger, eat first; if you are pressed to attend to the call of nature, relieve yourself; if you are the parent of an infant, feed him or her, or keep him or her busy.
2. Perform your wudu' (ablution) well, paying due care and attention.
3. Approach the Prayer with zest and passion as if it is the most important task in your life. Actually the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that we could do nothing in this world that could ever surpass Prayer in merit and excellence.
4. Visualize that in your Prayer you are going to have a special audience with Allah, Lord of the worlds, and that you are enjoying a direct communion with Him? This in fact is true.
5. Think of the Prayer you are performing as if it were the last Prayer of your life. In fact, it could very well be the last one, since no one is given a guarantee that he would live to perform another Prayer.
6. Picture the scene of the Last Day when people will be lined up into two groups, one destined for Heaven, and another for Hell, and ask yourself where you would be placed.
7. Focus your mind on what you are reading in your Prayer.
8. If, in spite of your best efforts, your mind is still wandering, seek refuge in Allah and bring your mind back to Prayer.
9. Pray to Allah and beg Him to grant you true the joy of concentrating in your Prayer and protection against the wanderings of your mind.
A traveler once came to the mosque to see the prophet. After greeting the prophet he was asked where he was from. The traveler replied that he came from very far just to get a few questions answered. Following is the dialogue between the traveler and the prophet.
Traveler: I do not want adhaab to be written in my account.
Prophet: behave well with your parents
Traveler: I want to be known amongst people as an intelligent person.
Prophet: fear Allah always.
Traveler: I want to be counted amongst Allah's favorites.
Prophet: recite quran every morning and evening.
Traveler: I want my heart to always be enlightened. ( roshan and munawer)
Prophet: never forget death
Traveler: I never want to be away from Allah's blessing.
Prophet: always treat fellow creatures well.
Traveler: I never want to be harmed by my enemies.
Prophet: always have faith in only Allah.
Traveler: I never want to be humiliated.
Prophet: be careful of your actions.
Traveler: I wish to live long.
Prophet: always do sile rahm. ( goodness towards blood relations)
Traveler: I want my sustenance to increase.
Prophet: always be in wudhoo.
Traveler: I wish to stay free of adhaab in the grave.
Prophet: always wear pure (paak) clothes.
Traveler: I never want to burn in hell.
Prophet: control your eyes and tongue.
Traveler: how do I get my sins forgiven.
Prophet: always ask forgiveness from Allah with a lot of humility.
Traveler: I want people to respect me always.
Prophet: never extend your hands of need at people.
Traveler: I want to always be honored.
Prophet: never humiliate or put down anyone.
Traveler: I don't want to be squeezed by fishare qabr. ( squeezing in the grave)
Prophet: recite sura e mulk often.
Traveler: I want my wealth to increase.
Prophet: recite sura e waqia every night.
Traveler: I want to be safe and at peace on day of judgement.
Prophet: do zikr of Allah from dusk to night.
Traveler: I want to be in full attention and concentration during Salaat.
Prophet: always do wudhoo with concentration and attention
What Allah requires His slaves to do is easy. He does not want hardship to come to those striving to worship Him. He said, what translated means: "And strive hard in Allah's cause as you ought to strive (with sincerity). He has chosen you (to convey Islam), and has not laid upon you in religion any hardship, it is the religion of your father Abraham (Islam). It is He (Allah) who has named you Muslims both before and in this (the Quran), that the Messenger (Mohammad) may be a witness over you and you be witnesses over mankind. So offer prayer perfectly, give Zakat (compulsory charity), and hold fast to Allah, He is your Lord, what an excellent Lord and what an excellent helper!" [22:78]
If Allah brings you to it, He will bring you through it.
Happy moments, praise Allah.
Difficult moments, seek Allah.
Quiet moments, worship Allah.
Painful moments, trust Allah.
Every moment, thank Allah.
When things are down,
And you are out of your mind,
Just Remember, Allah is The All-Kind.
When your life is in darkness,
And nothing is right,
Just Remember,
Through the darkness, Allah is The Light.
When nothing makes sense,
And your heading for demise,
Just Remember,
It doesn't make sense but, Allah is The All-Wise.
When times are troubled,
And no one seems to care,
Just Remember, Allah won't hurt you, He is Just.
When your heart is breaking,
And your pain makes you fall,
Just Remember, Allah Sees all.
When you are weak,
And the road seems long,
Just Remember, Seek strength from The All-Strong.
When life is a burden,
And everything is unstable,
Just Remember, Allah is Able to do all.
When the way is cloudy,
And there is no one by your side,
Just Remember, Allah is The Only Guide.
When no one wants to listen,
Or is willing to lend an ear,
Just Remember, Allah is the All-Hearing.
When you are poor and penniless,
And you are stuck in a niche,
Just Remember, Allah is The Rich.
When you are down in your misery,
And there is nowhere to run,
Just Remember,
You can always run to The One.
When you r all alone,
And your pain has no end,
Just Remember, Allah is the only one you can depend on.
And when your scars are hurting,
And your heart is in fear,
Just Remember, Allah is with those who are patient!!!
Volume 1, Book 3, Number 100:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr bin Al' As:
I heard Allah's Apostle saying, "Allah does not take away the knowledge, by taking it away from (the hearts of) the people, but takes it away by the death of the religious learned men till when none of the (religious learned men) remains, people will take as their leaders ignorant persons who when consulted will give their verdict without knowledge. So they will go astray and will lead the people astray."
Surat Name Al Tauba Ayaat No. 53 Para No.10
O Muhammad tell these people whether they do good deeds happily or unhappily GOD would not accept their virtues meaning Neykkian because they are folk who are disobedient to God’s Commandments”
Where there is true faith, there is obedience of GOD.
Here God want to remind human beings that for hereafter He never accepts virtues- good deeds- Neykkian done verbally, physically, materially and above all DUA of those who are disobedient to God’s Hookmaats which means God’s given commandments in the Holy Book. Yes as for rewards of good deeds done by these disobedient people, God would compensate return them in this life but not in hereafter that IS what we must understand here.
Surat Name AL Anaam, Ayaat No.20, Para No. 7
God says in this verse that signs of His righteous people are those who recognized the verses of God’s Holy Book as if they recognized their own sons easily from distance”
Sahih al Bukhari Volume 9, Book 92, Number 382:
Narrated 'Abdullah:
The best talk (speech) is Allah's Book 'Quran), and the best way is the way of Muhammad, and the worst matters are the heresies (those new things which are introduced into the religion); and whatever you have been promised will surely come to pass, and you cannot escape (it).
"Tips to Maintain Concentration in Salaah"
1. Before standing up for Prayer, try to deal with all the minor urgent matters which demand your attention. If you are pressed by hunger, eat first; if you are pressed to attend to the call of nature, relieve yourself; if you are the parent of an infant, feed him or her, or keep him or her busy.
2. Perform your wudu' (ablution) well, paying due care and attention.
3. Approach the Prayer with zest and passion as if it is the most important task in your life. Actually the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) taught us that we could do nothing in this world that could ever surpass Prayer in merit and excellence.
4. Visualize that in your Prayer you are going to have a special audience with Allah, Lord of the worlds, and that you are enjoying a direct communion with Him? This in fact is true.
5. Think of the Prayer you are performing as if it were the last Prayer of your life. In fact, it could very well be the last one, since no one is given a guarantee that he would live to perform another Prayer.
6. Picture the scene of the Last Day when people will be lined up into two groups, one destined for Heaven, and another for Hell, and ask yourself where you would be placed.
7. Focus your mind on what you are reading in your Prayer.
8. If, in spite of your best efforts, your mind is still wandering, seek refuge in Allah and bring your mind back to Prayer.
9. Pray to Allah and beg Him to grant you true the joy of concentrating in your Prayer and protection against the wanderings of your mind.
Monday, August 21, 2006
A Fly Falls in a Cup of Coffee
The English
- throws the coffee away, asks for an apology, then leaves the café.
The German
- invents a device that prevents flies from falling into coffee cups.
The French
- writes a cookbook on how properly to serve flies as a delicacy.
The American
- threateningly demands another cup of coffee.
The Russian
- adds vodka to his coffee and gulps it down, then asks for another cup.
The Mexican
- removes the fly and enjoys his coffee.
The Chinese
- eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
The dispossessed Palestinian
- drinks the coffee and eats the fly.
The Israeli
- sells the coffee to the Americans and the fly to the Chinese
- cries that his security is endangered
- accuses the Palestinians of implanting the fly in his coffee
- pretends that Hezbollah , the Iranians and the Syrians are in the process of training terrorist fly squads
- decrees this act as an affront to the rights of man, an act of anti-Semitism, a holocaust and an act of discrimination against the people of Noah's ark
- orders immediately Mahmoud Abbas to arrest all flies and to forbid them from ever dropping into coffee cups
- reoccupies the Gaza strip, cuts water and electricity and destroys all fly habitation
- imposes on the Americans an additional much needed military assistance to fight the flies plus a few billion dollars in compensation for being subjected to the anti-Semitism of flies.
End Israeli Occupation Free Palestine
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" -- Voltaire
Build your Iman. Build it, strengthen it, and reinforce it. And once you have built it, protect it and maintain it. Every security system requires maintenance. If you fail to regularly keep your protection cordon in optimum condition, you will leave it open to attacks by your avowed enemy, the Shaytan. And if he succeeds in snatching away your Iman, don't blame him. Blame yourself.
Babar Ahmed, Prisoner awaiting extradition to the US
- throws the coffee away, asks for an apology, then leaves the café.
The German
- invents a device that prevents flies from falling into coffee cups.
The French
- writes a cookbook on how properly to serve flies as a delicacy.
The American
- threateningly demands another cup of coffee.
The Russian
- adds vodka to his coffee and gulps it down, then asks for another cup.
The Mexican
- removes the fly and enjoys his coffee.
The Chinese
- eats the fly and throws away the coffee.
The dispossessed Palestinian
- drinks the coffee and eats the fly.
The Israeli
- sells the coffee to the Americans and the fly to the Chinese
- cries that his security is endangered
- accuses the Palestinians of implanting the fly in his coffee
- pretends that Hezbollah , the Iranians and the Syrians are in the process of training terrorist fly squads
- decrees this act as an affront to the rights of man, an act of anti-Semitism, a holocaust and an act of discrimination against the people of Noah's ark
- orders immediately Mahmoud Abbas to arrest all flies and to forbid them from ever dropping into coffee cups
- reoccupies the Gaza strip, cuts water and electricity and destroys all fly habitation
- imposes on the Americans an additional much needed military assistance to fight the flies plus a few billion dollars in compensation for being subjected to the anti-Semitism of flies.
End Israeli Occupation Free Palestine
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" -- Voltaire
Build your Iman. Build it, strengthen it, and reinforce it. And once you have built it, protect it and maintain it. Every security system requires maintenance. If you fail to regularly keep your protection cordon in optimum condition, you will leave it open to attacks by your avowed enemy, the Shaytan. And if he succeeds in snatching away your Iman, don't blame him. Blame yourself.
Babar Ahmed, Prisoner awaiting extradition to the US
Israel to the garbage dump of history
By Carsten Kofoed, Free Iraq Blog of Denmark, August 16, 2006
Recently, famous Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder called the existence of Israel in question. Immediately, he was accused of “Anti-Semitism” by Zionist commentators. To them, the existence of Israel is not a matter of discussion, but that existence is exactly the core of the problem.
Israel is an artificial state that in 1948, in the light of the Holocaust, was established in the midst of the Arab world. The Jewish state was born by war and expulsion of the original Palestinian inhabitants. Therefore, today six million Palestinian refugees live around the world. In the meanwhile more millions of Jews from the whole world have been invading the land of the Palestinians, which they claim has been given to them by God. They are now living on the soil of the expelled Palestinians and in their homes.
As Israel, where non-Jews are second-class citizens, has been founded on the basis of a world-historical injustice, there will never be a just, and with that, a lasting peace in the Middle East before Israel – this 51st US state – is gone, and Palestine again is free and Arab from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.
Sent as a comment (150 words maximum) to the Danish press on August 16, 2006.
Frit Irak Blog, Free Iraq Blog of Denmark
Hjemmeside/Website: http://fritirak.blogspot.com/
E-mail: fritirakblog@yahoo.dk
Phone: (+45) 61 27 41 77
Recently, famous Norwegian writer Jostein Gaarder called the existence of Israel in question. Immediately, he was accused of “Anti-Semitism” by Zionist commentators. To them, the existence of Israel is not a matter of discussion, but that existence is exactly the core of the problem.
Israel is an artificial state that in 1948, in the light of the Holocaust, was established in the midst of the Arab world. The Jewish state was born by war and expulsion of the original Palestinian inhabitants. Therefore, today six million Palestinian refugees live around the world. In the meanwhile more millions of Jews from the whole world have been invading the land of the Palestinians, which they claim has been given to them by God. They are now living on the soil of the expelled Palestinians and in their homes.
As Israel, where non-Jews are second-class citizens, has been founded on the basis of a world-historical injustice, there will never be a just, and with that, a lasting peace in the Middle East before Israel – this 51st US state – is gone, and Palestine again is free and Arab from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea.
Sent as a comment (150 words maximum) to the Danish press on August 16, 2006.
Frit Irak Blog, Free Iraq Blog of Denmark
Hjemmeside/Website: http://fritirak.blogspot.com/
E-mail: fritirakblog@yahoo.dk
Phone: (+45) 61 27 41 77
Hadith Jabir about an-Noor is weak
Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. We ask Allah to raise the rank of our master Muhammad and to protect his nation from whatever he feared for it.
It is sahih that Jabir asked the Prophet “Mata kunta nabiyyan?” which means “When were you a Prophet?” and the Prophet replied “Wa Adamu bayna ruhi wa jasad,” which means “When the soul of Adam did not enter his body yet.” This is narrated by Al-Bayhaqiyy and others. It means that the Prophet was known among the angels to be the last of the prophets even before the soul of Adam enters his body. This meaning is clarified by other narrations of this same hadith.
There is a fabricated hadith which means “The first creation is your Prophet, O Jabir. Allah created your Prophet from His Light before creating the other things.” This is fabricated. Some people claim that ^Abdur-Razzaq narrated this in his book Al-Musanna but this is not true. More than one scholar of hadith said that this hadith is not sahih. Among them is Al-Hafizh As-Suyutiyy and Al-Hafizh Al-Ghummariyy.
All the souls were created before the bodies, and then later they were put in the back of Nabiyy Adam. But this does not mean that the soul of our Prophet is the first created soul. Also it does not mean that the souls were the first creations. The Prophet told us that the first creation is the water which is the origin of every other creation. The soul of the Prophet is not the Prophet, because the Prophet is a human, and a human is a combination of body and soul.
Allah ta^ala said in dispraising the blasphemers “Wa ja^alauw lahu min ^ibadihi juz’a,” which means “They claim that one of the slaves of Allah is a part of Allah.” This is of course an invalid belief. The one who believes that Nabiyy Muhammad is a part of Muhammad is a blasphemer.
This book is not authored by Ibnul Jawziyy, may Allah have mercy on him. No one claimed that this book is authored by Ibnul-Jawziyy except the orientalist Brockelmann.
Explanation: This book Mawlidul-^Arus is not authored by Ibnul-Jawziyy. None of the reliable scholars said that this book was authored by Ibnul-Jawziyy, neither among those who lived in his time nor among those who came after him. Rather the first person to attribute this book to Ibnul-Jawziyy is the orientalist Brockelmann.
Ibnul-Jawziyy was a great Hanbaliyy faqih. He would never say such a statement. His books are filled with statements that contradict this ugly claim contained in this book Mawlidul-^Arus. There is no proof that Ibnul-Jawziyy said a such statement. Only this orientalist said this and there is no weight for his claim.
“Wa lam yakun lahu kufuan ahad,” which means no one is similar to Allah in any way.
Explanation: Allah ta^ala revealed in His Book this explicit (muhkam) verse which clearly exalts Him from resembling the creation in any way. This is an explicit verse which deny any resemblance between Allah and the creation.
The one who claims that Allah resembles the creation is not a Muslim because he is belying this ayah. Any type of resemblance. If a person believes that Allah is a light, he is likening Allah to this created light. If he believes that Allah is a darkness, then he is likening Alah to the created darkness. If he believes that Allah is a large body or a small body, he is likening Allah to the other bodies. If he believes that Allah is a soul, then he likening Allah to the other souls. If he believes that Allah occupies a place in the skies, then he likening Allah to the angels who are inhabiting the skies. If he believes that Allah is spread in all places, then he is likening Allah to the air which is spread here and there. If he believes that Allah dwells inside the bodies, then he is likening Allah to the souls which enters the bodies, and to the jinn which enters bodies when they possess people. If he believes that Allah changes from one state to another, then he is likening Allah to other creations which changes from one state to another. If he believes that Allah sits, then he is likening Allah to the people and the animals that sit. He would be attributing to Allah an upper part and a lower part. By this he is attributing to Allah a buttock with which to sit or to get in contact with the seat. All of these are attributes of the creation. The Creator does not resemble the creation.
Allah ta^ala said in Al-Qur’an “Laysa kamithlihi shay’,” which means “Nothing resembles Allah.” Al-Imam Abu Hanifah said “Wa la yusafu bi-sifatil-makhluqin,” which means “It is not permissible to attribute to Allah the attributes of the creation.”
This is why the scholars of Islam said the Knowledge of Allah is not like our knowledge. The Power of Allah is not like our power. The Hayah of Allah is not like our life. Our life is by the combination of body and soul, but Allah’s Life is not a combination of body and soul. It is an Attribute of Allah which does not resemble the attributes of creation.
They said the Sight of Allah is not like ours. We see with a pupil and with light. Allah sees every seeable thing without pupil and without light. His Attributes are not similar to ours.
The Kalam of Allah is not like our speech. Our speech is by language, letters and sound. The Kalam of Allah is an eternal and everlasting Attribute of Allah which is not language, letters and sound. It is the Attribute which Nabiyy Musa heard and which Nabiyy Muhammad heard on the night of Al-Mi^raj. I do not mean the expressions revealed to Nabiyy Muhammad. I am talking about the attribute of Allah which is not letters or sound.
The summary of all this is contained in the statement of Dhun-Nun Al-Misriyy when he said “Mahma tasawwarta bi-balik, fallahu bi-khilafi dhalik,” which means “Whatever you imagine in your mind, Allah is different from that.” Al-Imam Ahmad ibnu Hanbal said this same statement with the same words. They both took this statement from the ayah “Laysa kamithlihi shay’,” which means “Nothing resembles Allah.”
Alhamdulillahi rabbil ^alamin. Wa usalli wa usallimu ^alan-Nabiyyil-amin, sayyidina wa habibina wa ^azhimina wa qurrati a^yunina Muhammad, wa ^ala alihi wa ashabihit-tayyibinat-tahirin. ^Amma ba^du.
Praise and thanks are due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds. We ask Allah to raise the rank of our master Muhammad and to protect his nation from whatever he feared for it.
It is sahih that Jabir asked the Prophet “Mata kunta nabiyyan?” which means “When were you a Prophet?” and the Prophet replied “Wa Adamu bayna ruhi wa jasad,” which means “When the soul of Adam did not enter his body yet.” This is narrated by Al-Bayhaqiyy and others. It means that the Prophet was known among the angels to be the last of the prophets even before the soul of Adam enters his body. This meaning is clarified by other narrations of this same hadith.
There is a fabricated hadith which means “The first creation is your Prophet, O Jabir. Allah created your Prophet from His Light before creating the other things.” This is fabricated. Some people claim that ^Abdur-Razzaq narrated this in his book Al-Musanna but this is not true. More than one scholar of hadith said that this hadith is not sahih. Among them is Al-Hafizh As-Suyutiyy and Al-Hafizh Al-Ghummariyy.
All the souls were created before the bodies, and then later they were put in the back of Nabiyy Adam. But this does not mean that the soul of our Prophet is the first created soul. Also it does not mean that the souls were the first creations. The Prophet told us that the first creation is the water which is the origin of every other creation. The soul of the Prophet is not the Prophet, because the Prophet is a human, and a human is a combination of body and soul.
Allah ta^ala said in dispraising the blasphemers “Wa ja^alauw lahu min ^ibadihi juz’a,” which means “They claim that one of the slaves of Allah is a part of Allah.” This is of course an invalid belief. The one who believes that Nabiyy Muhammad is a part of Muhammad is a blasphemer.
This book is not authored by Ibnul Jawziyy, may Allah have mercy on him. No one claimed that this book is authored by Ibnul-Jawziyy except the orientalist Brockelmann.
Explanation: This book Mawlidul-^Arus is not authored by Ibnul-Jawziyy. None of the reliable scholars said that this book was authored by Ibnul-Jawziyy, neither among those who lived in his time nor among those who came after him. Rather the first person to attribute this book to Ibnul-Jawziyy is the orientalist Brockelmann.
Ibnul-Jawziyy was a great Hanbaliyy faqih. He would never say such a statement. His books are filled with statements that contradict this ugly claim contained in this book Mawlidul-^Arus. There is no proof that Ibnul-Jawziyy said a such statement. Only this orientalist said this and there is no weight for his claim.
“Wa lam yakun lahu kufuan ahad,” which means no one is similar to Allah in any way.
Explanation: Allah ta^ala revealed in His Book this explicit (muhkam) verse which clearly exalts Him from resembling the creation in any way. This is an explicit verse which deny any resemblance between Allah and the creation.
The one who claims that Allah resembles the creation is not a Muslim because he is belying this ayah. Any type of resemblance. If a person believes that Allah is a light, he is likening Allah to this created light. If he believes that Allah is a darkness, then he is likening Alah to the created darkness. If he believes that Allah is a large body or a small body, he is likening Allah to the other bodies. If he believes that Allah is a soul, then he likening Allah to the other souls. If he believes that Allah occupies a place in the skies, then he likening Allah to the angels who are inhabiting the skies. If he believes that Allah is spread in all places, then he is likening Allah to the air which is spread here and there. If he believes that Allah dwells inside the bodies, then he is likening Allah to the souls which enters the bodies, and to the jinn which enters bodies when they possess people. If he believes that Allah changes from one state to another, then he is likening Allah to other creations which changes from one state to another. If he believes that Allah sits, then he is likening Allah to the people and the animals that sit. He would be attributing to Allah an upper part and a lower part. By this he is attributing to Allah a buttock with which to sit or to get in contact with the seat. All of these are attributes of the creation. The Creator does not resemble the creation.
Allah ta^ala said in Al-Qur’an “Laysa kamithlihi shay’,” which means “Nothing resembles Allah.” Al-Imam Abu Hanifah said “Wa la yusafu bi-sifatil-makhluqin,” which means “It is not permissible to attribute to Allah the attributes of the creation.”
This is why the scholars of Islam said the Knowledge of Allah is not like our knowledge. The Power of Allah is not like our power. The Hayah of Allah is not like our life. Our life is by the combination of body and soul, but Allah’s Life is not a combination of body and soul. It is an Attribute of Allah which does not resemble the attributes of creation.
They said the Sight of Allah is not like ours. We see with a pupil and with light. Allah sees every seeable thing without pupil and without light. His Attributes are not similar to ours.
The Kalam of Allah is not like our speech. Our speech is by language, letters and sound. The Kalam of Allah is an eternal and everlasting Attribute of Allah which is not language, letters and sound. It is the Attribute which Nabiyy Musa heard and which Nabiyy Muhammad heard on the night of Al-Mi^raj. I do not mean the expressions revealed to Nabiyy Muhammad. I am talking about the attribute of Allah which is not letters or sound.
The summary of all this is contained in the statement of Dhun-Nun Al-Misriyy when he said “Mahma tasawwarta bi-balik, fallahu bi-khilafi dhalik,” which means “Whatever you imagine in your mind, Allah is different from that.” Al-Imam Ahmad ibnu Hanbal said this same statement with the same words. They both took this statement from the ayah “Laysa kamithlihi shay’,” which means “Nothing resembles Allah.”
Alhamdulillahi rabbil ^alamin. Wa usalli wa usallimu ^alan-Nabiyyil-amin, sayyidina wa habibina wa ^azhimina wa qurrati a^yunina Muhammad, wa ^ala alihi wa ashabihit-tayyibinat-tahirin. ^Amma ba^du.
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