Friday, January 14, 2005

Reasons For Allah's Displeasure & The Remedy

Answered by Shaykh Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri

Q. The Religious Scholars (Ulamâ) are requested to shed light upon the factors behind Muslim distress and suffering all over the world. Muslims are facing riots and massacres at many places - Why is this?

A. Reasons For Allâh's Displeasure & The Remedy
by the Grand Mufti of Gujerati, India, Hadhrat Shaykh Mufti Abdur Raheem Lajpuri (Allâh bless him)

Question: The Religious Scholars (Ulamâ) are requested to shed light upon the factors behind Muslim distress and suffering all over the world. Muslims are facing riots and massacres at many places - Why is this?

Answer. There are several reasons for this sad state of affairs in the Ummah. Among the more prominent ones are the following: Lack of true faith in Allâh Ta'âla. Increased disobedience towards Him. Increasing timidity among us. Love of the materialistic world [Hubb-e-Dunya wa Mâl]. Open disobedience of the Sunnah of Rasulullâh Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Following our own innovated [bid'ah] practices and customs. Neglecting the rights of Allâh [Huqûq-Allâh], and the rights of creation [Huqûq-ut-Ibad]. Our complete ingratitude towards the innumerable blessings showered upon us by our Benefactor, despite being totally unworthy of these blessings. Disregard for the selfless advice given to us by our noble Ulamâ in relation to our religion. Almighty Allâh sums up the reasons for our suffering in Surah 42, Âyah 30 of the Holy Qur'ân: "Whatever misfortune happens to you, it is because of the things your hands have wrought, and for many of them he grants forgiveness…" A further elaboration on this point is found in Surâh 30, Âyah 4 1: "Mischief has appeared on and sea because of what the hands of man have caused, that Allâh may give them a taste of some of their deeds; in order that they turn back from evil. "

Severe Punishment for Certain Types of Sins

Indulging in disobedience and committing sins anger Allâh, but certain sins are such that, if committed, will invite a very swift and severe punishment. Among these types of sins are: Unjust decision-making and the breaking of a pledge — these await the imposition of tyrannical rule. Short-weighting and short-measuring by traders — await the punishment of famine, inflation and oppression. Widespread betrayal of trust will cause the imposition of tyrant rulers. Fearing death and inclining towards materialism [dunya] will result in timidity and fear the faithful and, at the same time, the kuffâr forces will receive encouragement and strength. - Jazâ-ul-A'mâl. The companion, Hadhrat Thawbân Radhi allahu Anhu narrated that Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasallam is reported to have said: "A period will come when the non-believers will come closer by calling one another for annexing the nations of the believers just like how people call one another for eating food when it has, been prepared. "Someone then asked as to whether the Muslims will be few in number then? Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam is reported to have replied, "You will be large in numbers, but will like hay before a flood of water. Your enemies will not fear you because you will be so weak and timid. "One companion then asked the reason for this decline, and Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, "Life (and its luxuries) will become more dearer to you and you will dislike death, (and facing Allâh) Mishkat Sharîf p.459. Chapter on Taghayyur-Un-Nâs; Abû Dawûd, p.242. Creating fear in the hearts of the enemies, which is a blessing from Allâh Ta'âla, can only be achieved through adopting the pious life prescribed by the Sharî'ah, and by following the practical life of Rasulullâh Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Regarding this point, it is narrated in a Hadith [saying] of Rasulullah, Sallallahu Alayhi Wassalaam thus: "Whosoever emulates my way of life and adheres to my Sunnah, Allâh will bless him with four favours: The love of such a person will be instilled into the heart of virtuous people. Sinners and disbelievers will fear such a person in their hearts. His livelihood and good fortune will be increased for him. Allâh will strengthen him in religion." Sharh Shariat-ul-Islam Sayyed Ali Zadah p.8. Allâh Ta'âla has warned of dim punishment for those who do not order people to perform virtuous deeds and prevent them from committing evil and disobedient acts. He states in the Qur'ân: "And fear oppression which cannot fall exclusively on those of you who do wrong, and know that Allâh is severe in punishment " Surah 8. Âyah 25. This verse is explained in Tafsîr-e-Ma'âriful-Qur'ân as follows: Hadhrat Abdullah bin Abbâs Radhiallahu Anhu has said that Allâh has ordered Muslims to prevent immorality and disobedience in their towns and villages. Furthermore, not preventing such actions, despite having the power to do so will definitely result in severe punishment on all, irrespective of whether they be pious people or immoral people. Imâm Baghawi has noted that in Shariah-Al-Sunnah and Mâalim appear narrations. Hadhrat Abdullah bin Masûd Radhiallahu anhu and Ayesha Siddiqah Radhiallahu anha that Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wassalam said: "Allâh does not send His punishment on all the people for the sins of a certain group of immoral persons when He sees the virtuous people preventing the wrong-doers from their activities. In case they do not prevent them, then Allah will certainly send and spread His punishment." Ma'âriful Qur'ân Vol. 4. p. 212. The Sahâbi, Hadhrat Hudhaifah Radhi allahu Anhu, has narrated that the Nabî Muhammad Sallallahu alayhi wasallam said, "I swear by Allâh, the One in whose hands my life is, continue to order and guide people towards virtuous deeds and prevent people from immoral acts and sins. Otherwise, Almighty Allâh will surely send His severe punishment upon you. If you then turn to Allâh and pray your prayers will not be accepted. - Mishkât Sharîf, p.436. Chapter on Amr-Bil -Marûf.



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