Saturday, October 14, 2006

Four Questions

Prophet Muhammad said: (La tazoulu qadamaa ^abdin yawmal-qeyamati Hata yus'al ^an arba^; ^an ^umrihi fiyma afnahu wu ^an jasadihi fima ablahu wu ^un ^ilmihi matha ^amila bihi wu ^un Malihi min Ayna Akhathahu wu fiyma anfaqahu.. related by At-Tirmithiy

On judgement day no one will make the slightest move before they are questioned about four things: about their life and in what path they spent it; about their body, with what deeds did they wear it out; about their religious knowledge, what effective use did they make of it and about their wealth, from where did they attain it and for which purposes did they spend it.

This hadith is clear in telling us that on the day of judgement no one will make the slightest move before answering to four questions: the 1st being, how they spent their life: this question asks if they fulfilled all that Allah has ordered and avoided all that Allah has forbade since the age of accountability? If they had completed their duties in full they will be saved from punishment; but if they had neglected to do what was obligatory upon them, they will be punished. Secondly, how they used their bodies: if they had worn out their bodies in performing their obligations, they will be among the pleased people who will be saved from torture; but if they had wasted their body in sin, they will be among those who will be punished. Thirdly, how they used what knowledge they had of the religion: they are questioned whether or not they attained the portion of the religious knowledge which is obligatory upon them to know. The religious knowledge is of two categories, one portion is an obligation upon every accountable person to know, and this is referred to as Fardh ^ayn. This is the portion of fundamental knowledge that we’ll be questioned about. So if the person had attained this obligatory knowledge he will be saved and rewarded, but if he had neglected to learn it, he would be among the losers. Also among the losers will be the person who is knowledgeable in the religion but fails to do accordingly.

The second category of the religious knowledge is all that extends from the fundamental portion. It is not an obligation upon all Muslims to obtain this elaborate knowledge but it remains an obligation upon the minority of Muslims to fulfill. The person who chooses to attain it and uses it accordingly to better himself and help others, will rise to great ranks and be among the pious of Paradise. Such are the pious Muslims that are referred to as being granted content in their hearts by Allah such that they will not experience fear on the day of judgement.

The fourth is the question on wealth which questions, from where the wealth was gained and how it was spent. Meaning, if the person gained his wealth on earth in lawful ways according to Islam, he is not guilty, providing that he did not spend his wealth in unlawful ways.

It has been mentioned that man kind is of three types when it comes to dealing with money. Two types will be punished in hell fire: those that earn their money by unlawful ways despite the fact that he may have spent it in good ways such as building mosques or other worthwhile projects or deeds. Likewise those that earn their money by lawful ways and spend it in unlawful ways. For example if a person collected inheritance from his father’s estate and spent this money in sinful ways, like buying alcohol or hiring singers and dances or other such forbidden acts. Also if he spent his lawful money in good causes but to gain the appraisal of the people rather than Allah. This is a great sin that destroys all due reward.

The second type of people are those that are saved from punishment because they earnt their money by lawful ways and spent it in lawful ways. We ask Allah to grant us wealth by lawful ways and enable us to spent it in what pleases Him while remembering what the prophet said:

Prophet Muhammad said: (La tazoulu qadama ^abdin yaumal-qeyamati Hata yus'al ^an arba^; ^an ^umrihi fiyma afnahu wu ^an jasadihi fima ablahu wu ^un ^ilmihi matha ^amila bihi wu ^un Malihi min Ayna Akhathahu wu fiyma anfaqahu) related by at-tirmithiy

May Allah enable us to conquer ourselves in this life to be able to prepare for the right answers on the day that no wealth or child will benefit us. Ameen

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