Thursday, January 25, 2007

Dua - The Believer's Weapon

'Dua' means to ask Allah directly for something. There is nothing that Allah cannot do, therefore Dua is basically the means of asking the creator to do something and Allah is capable of doing each and everything imaginable and the things that are beyond belief for the human mind. Rasullullah (PBUH) used to turn to Allah for every matter in life, be it small or big. However insignificant a task may be, as Muslims we have been instructed and advised to turn towards Allah in times of happiness and of sadness. If the mind is not connected to Allah, we will result in asking help from the creation of Allah.

Sometimes there are bad conditions in the world; we tend to ask ourselves questions about why the Muslims are being punished? And why we are being oppressed? Why is it happening to us like this? We make so much Dua to Allah very often and in the end we don't see the fruits of our Dua. The question which tends to arise is why are our Dua's not being accepted? We get caught in the clear trap of Shaytaan and start to think, 'Why isn't Allah doing as we want him to do? We feel that we are making Dua but nothing is happening.

The reason behind this attitude is that as humans we tend to always want to do things in a hurry. We want things to be done overnight and often because of this very reason, we do things with lack of wisdom.

Allah says in the Quran, "And your lord said pray to me, I will respond to your invocations." (90:60).

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