Saturday, March 03, 2007

We Love Allah Day

Today many will celebrate St. Valentines' Day. Many will profess their love for one another. Many will indulge in illicit sex and many will partake of Drugs (Viagra included) and Alcohol. Actions befitting a day originally celebrated in honor of pagan gods of Rome. Of course a few will relate the day to remembrance of the Saint for which it is named. Even fewer will remember the One who really loves them most.

Setting aside the irreverence of honoring or praying to persons or objects that lack any power to aid us or are deserving of any credit for our existence or our well being. Let's take a look at some other days we celebrate; Presidents day, Christmas day, Mother's day, Thanksgiving Day, and Birthdays. We remember and honor those persons or events that we Love or that are important to us on such days. Yet there is no specific day that we celebrate the most important person or event in our life's, our existence and our creator. Of course here is the Sabbath , but that is a commandment (whether it is Friday, Saturday, or Sunday it is required) besides many of us attend the observances just to show off our new clothes or our piety.

So today let us set aside a few moments and remember the one responsible for our very existence; God. It is God who loved us enough to give us the one thing none other can; Life. It is God that answers are prayers. Not any saints or prophets, not any statue or amulet, not any President or Lover, nor any priest, reverent, Imam, scholar, or Ulema . None of these can do anything for us unless God allows them to intercede on our behalves. Certainly inanimate things or mythical creatures can't do anything at all for us. Eros can not bring us love or happiness.

In fact we should instead of having a Anti-valentines day, a day that sees like Christmas and New Years' eve an increase in severe DEPRESSION, Let's start celebrating a "We Love Allah day". A tradition says that if we love Allah; Allah will love us. Why shouldn't we show love for God our creator who showed us more regard than the Angels who sang his Praises eternally.

God Loves those who:

Who Do Good
Who Are Chaste
Who show gratitude
Who are Equitable
Who are Righteous
Who are Repentant
Who Remember God

Let Us remember God today and Show our Love so that we Might Be: Strangers In Paradise

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