Friday, February 04, 2005

Exactly whom do we dress for?

Exactly whom do we dress for?
Ask any woman who dresses up before leaving home who she has dressed up for. Her answer will be, "for myself of course".
The question is, are we being honest with ourselves? Have we searched deep within our hearts to ascertain the truth? If not, then let us not waste any more time because tomorrow may be too late. Sisters, let's not be deceived by the enemy, Shaytãn.
In order to divert us from the path of Truth he will lead us into believing we are at the height of piety by merely covering our hair with a flimsy scarf. Not only are the scarves pretty and colourful, nowadays they even carry designer names! And the scarf is worn in such fashionable ways that in actual fact it enhances the face and leaves the throat and chest uncovered. Even if it was worn in such a way that the throat and chest were not exposed, use of make-up does nothing but make the face attractive, and use of scents emanate sweet fragrances that catch the attention of even those who, out of the Fear of Allah, keep their gazes lowered.
We need to question ourselves, whom are we making ourselves attractive for? Shaytãn has led us into believing it is 'for my self-confidence', but it is in fact a green light for any man on the street, young and old, to look. The ever changing fashions has brought in tight, short dresses which leaves little to the imagination and which makes the fathers and brothers look away in shame, unable to say much in this dangerous Western environment. As if this wasn't enough, we arrogantly try to change what Allah ta'ãlã has granted us. Plucking eyebrows and the recent fashion of wearing coloured contact lenses that changes the colour of the eyes is surely a cause of His Wrath coming down on us.

All this for whom?
If the answer is 'for myself', one needs to ask oneself if one is always dressed in this manner, whether at home or out, in private or in public, in the morning or at night. If the answer is 'for my husband', one needs to ask oneself if it is only for the husband, or does it include his brothers, friends and other non-mahram men. If the answer is 'for Allah', one needs to ask oneself if the manner of dressing is indeed according to the laws laid down by Allah. If one goes out to school, college or work dressed in this manner then the question, "Exactly whom do we dress for?" applies even more.
A short time of quiet reflection will reveal that we are showing ingratitude to Allah ta'ãlã who has blessed us with beauty and has made us special. Are precious gems not hidden away safely? Are they left unattended and paraded around for anyone to steal?
Today the made-up face lights up the eyes of every male, young and old, but on the Day of Qiyãmah, only those faces kept pure with wudhoo will glow with light so that our beloved Prophet S, who fought for us, cried for us and prayed for us all night will recognise us as his followers. We all claim to love Allah and His Messenger S, but that claim will be a false one if we dress in a manner that displeases them. Let's not forget the words of our beloved Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihe Wasallam: "A woman who applies perfume and passes by a (male) gathering has a doubtful character (the narrator mentions that by that he meant that she is like an adulteress)." (Aboo Dãwood, Tirmizi)
And let's take heed of the dire warning given in the Hadeeth:
"Those women who appear naked even though they are wearing clothes, who allure and are allured by others, . . .will never enter Paradise, or even smell its fragrance and the scent of Paradise can be perceived from a very great distance." (Bukhãri, Muslim) We claim to be Muslim women. Let us then become true Muslim women and submit to our Lord. Let us dress to please Him Alone and not "ourselves" or anyone else.

TO BE CONTINUED.....Designer Eye brows

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