Friday, March 25, 2005


1) There are basically 3 stages of Imaan. - The first level is the highest level of imaan, where you stop the wrong or the evil with your HANDS. - The second is when you try to stop the wrong deeds verbally with your TONGUE. - And the last level of imaan is when you at least FEEL the evil and the wrong as bad.

2) On the Day of Judgment, their would be no shade and everybody would stand under the bright sun BUT 7 kinds of people will get the shade of the "arsh" (throne)of Allah (swt) and one of the kind is the teenager who remembered Allah in his youth.

3) All the teenagers should think about this and try their best to be one of those teenagers who remember Allah in their youth and not go after their wishes in this world. Can you stop yourself from doing the wrong with your HANDS, TONGUE, or can you even FEEL that you are wrong? If so, then remember that Allah (swt) will reward you according to your level of imaan.

4) Allah (swt) says: "O MANKIND! WORSHIP YOUR LORD..." don't worship your society, and don't worship people or your friends or what they say about you. (Surah Bakhrah). Worship the Lord who created you. Allah is watching us and has promised us the reward of even a small good deed done in this world but at the same time, he also said that you would be punished for all the bad deeds unless you say TAUBAH and not do it again.

5) Each and every Muslim who reads the Kalima (La Ilaha Illallah Muhammadur Rasul Allah) has the responsibility of "representing" Islam in his character, personality and his traits.

6) Each and every muslim is supposed to share the information he/she has about Islam, and try his/her best to spread it. THAT'S HIS DUTY TODAY!

To educate a man is to educate an individual BUT to educate a woman is to educate a nation - Malcolm X

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