Wednesday, September 17, 2008


The word 'ishq ('love') is derived from 'ashiqa, a type of garden vine that grows at the base of trees. First of all it secures its roots in the ground, then it rises up and clings to the tree. It keeps going until it has taken over the whole tree and chokes it until no moisture is left in the veins of the tree. All the nurishment that reaches the tree through water and air it plunders until the tree withers.

Likewise, in the world of humanity, which is a microcosm of creation, there is a tree that stands erect and is connected to the seed of the heart, which grows in the ground of the celestial kingdom. Everything that is therein possesses soul, as is said:

Everything that is situated in that place stands on the rock and soil of the soul.

The heart-seed is a seed planted by the gardener of Pre- and Post-Eternity from the storehouse of the 'souls arrayed in ranks' in the garden of the celestial kingdom of the 'spirit at my Lord's command.'. (Qur'an, 17:85) He tends it himself.

The hearts of men are between two of the Merciful's fingers: He turns them however He wills.

When the water of knowing that 'everything lives through water' (Qur'an, 21:30), along with the breeze of 'blasts of God's breath in the days of you time' from the felicity of God's right hand, reaches this heart-seed, hundreds of thousands of spiritual branches spread from it. And that freshness and verdure is contained in the words, 'I perceive the breath of the Merciful from the direction of the Yemen.' Therefore, the heart-seed, which is called the 'good word,' is a reflection of this tree in the world of generation and corruption, which is called 'shade' and 'body' and 'the tree of erect stature.' When this good tree begins to grow tall and reach perfection, love pops out from a corner and curls around it until it reaches the point that none of the moisture of humanity is left. The more love twines around this tree, the more the reflection, which is the tree of erect stature, grows weak and pale, until all at once the connectionis severed. Then the tree becomes absolute!
and is worthy to take its place in the divine garden.

Enter among my servants; and enter my paradise. (Qur'an, 89:30)

Since this wothiness is to be had through love, love is a pious work in that it causes one to attain the rank where

unto him ascendeth the good speech; and the righteous work will he exalt. (Qur'an, 35:10)

Piety means receptivity to this stage. When it is said that So-and-So is 'pious', what is meant is that he is receptive. Then, even though it takes the soul to the world of everlastingness, love brings the body back to the world of annihilation because, in the world of generation and corruption there is nothing that can endure the burden of love. A great master has said in this regard:

May the enemy whose desire has fallen in with union with you have access to joy for not one instant.

No, no, I do not curse him after this: even if the enemy is made of iron, love for you is sufficient [to break him].

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