Monday, October 18, 2004

A gift in return for Evil

Someone told Hadhrat Hasan Basri(Rahmatullahi alaiyh) that a certain person had gossiped about him. Hearing this , Hadhrat Hasan ºsri(Rahmatullahi alaiyh) sent a box of fresh dates to the person with the message, " I have come to learn that you have given me the rewards of your good actions. I have sent this small gift in appreciation. Please forgive me for not returning the favour in full."

The stench of Backbiting cannot be smelt when it becomes habitual

Someone asked a saint, " Why is it that the stench of backbiting was smelt during the time of Rasulullah(sallallahu alalaiyhi wassallam), but it is not evident today ? " He replied, " Backbiting has become so common nowadays that it's stench has disappeared. The example is like how a toilet cleaner and a tanner become so accustomed to the stench of faeces and raw leather, that they can eat quite comfortably in their environments, whereas others will find it difficult to even stand there for a moment. This is how backbiting has taken vogue today."

Source: Admonition for the Neglectful

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