Monday, May 09, 2005


by Hazrat Amir-ul-Mou'minìn, Muhyi-id-Din
Munir Ahmad Azim

God appointed the Holy Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h)* the Holder of the Seal. This degree of excellence was barred to all other Prophets since the beginning of time. One, who meticulously follows his footsteps, can be awarded the attributes of Prophethood. But the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) is gifted with much more than this. A spiritual and intimate linkage with him can elevate an "ummati" (a follower) to the exalted status of a prophet. The perfect man, to whom the Holy Qur'an was revealed, was not limited in his vision nor was there any deficiency in his sympathy in the sharing of sorrows. Both from the point of view of time and space, his soul was charged with perfect sympathy for human beings. He was, therefore, bestowed a full share of the manifestation of nature and he was made 'Khatamal Anbia' (seal of prophets), meaning not that no one would henceforth receive any spiritual grace from him, but that he possessed the seal of prophethood and that without the attestation of that Seal; No grace could reach anyone and that for his people, the door of converse with the Divine would never be closed. Beside him, there was no prophet who possessed the Seal. It is only through this seal that a prophethood can now be bestowed for which it is a condition that the recipient must be a follower of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h).

His (the Holy Prophet's ) high courage and sympathy did not wish to leave his people in a condition of inferior status and bar to them the door of revelation, which is the root of all Spiritual and temporal understanding. Yet in order to preserve the sign of the closing of all (previous) prophethood, the grace of revelation was reserved as a rank for his followers only. It was in this sense that the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) had been appointed as 'Khatamal-Anbia'.

God does not create another God like Himself because His Attribute of Unity and of being peerless, is eternal and it prevents Him from doing so. But He does create a sample of His peerless Being by investing in one of His creation a reflection of His Attributes. This process started with the beginning of the world and would continue till the ultimate cloud of dust, the final frozen wasteland emerges and puts an end to all that is animate in the universe. The lineage of prophethood can, therefore, never lapse nor can its true profile ever change. This has been the divine intent so far and this is His purpose for which mankind was created. The institution of prophethood is eternal and its denial is delusive sophistry.

The Muslim nations of the world with all their oil wealth, manpower and immense resources, stood like beggars at the door of the others lords for seeking crumbs of favour from here and there.

"O, our Muslim brothers; Spare a glance of sympathy. For the sake of Muhammad (p.b.u.h), the chosen one, the best of the creation, if nothing else."

*p.b.u.h : Peace be upon him

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