Thursday, May 26, 2005


I carefully laid my every plan ;
The future seemed so bright
My hopes and dreams they towared high .
I saw no trace of night .

And then at closing of the day
I knelt in usual prayer
And prayed : “Dear lord , bless every plan…
All that I hope and dare .”

BUT day by day my plans all faied ,
My hopes came tumbling down ,
All my ambitions disappeared
And failure was my crown .

Perplexed –I could not understand
Had I not knelt and prayed ?
Why then was every plans and hope
Disappered and why laid ?

Then in the stillness of the night ,
Out from the shadows din ,
I heared a sweet persuading voice
That called me close to him ,

“Why don’t you let me make your plan ?
I know just what you need .
Just leave the future in my hands
And let me take the lead .”

I put my future in his hands ,
And felt him drow so near ,
That I could’nt doubt he’d work things out
Throughout the coming year !

This poem for those who plan their future BUT every thing will be as ALLAH wills because He know the best for us ,so why don’t we let Him to make our future bright.

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