Friday, December 26, 2008


[It written in the books Hazanat-al-muftin and Eshbah, “If a person has houses and shops or a field and if the rentals he gets or the produce or rent of his field do not suffice to subsist his household, he is poor. It is permissible for him to accept zakat sharif [1].” As it is seen, the fatwa sharif [2] has been given in agreement with Imam sharif [3] Muhammad]. Ibni Abidin says, “A person who has a share in a joint-stock company and who cannot withdraw his money performs the qurban if he has money enough to perform it.”

If a person who has diffculty living on the rent he gets has the amount of nisab [4], he should give the fitra and perform the qurban by saving money. Cooking and preserving all the meat he should save the money for buying meat for a few months and keep it for the next year’s fitra and qurban, and thus should not deprive himself of the thawab (reward) for fitra and qurban. He who performs the qurban saves himself from Hell. A hadith-i-sharif [5] declares: “The worst of misers is the one who does not perform the qurban [though it is wajib for him to perform the qurban].” Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) would kill two animals to perform the qurban. One was for himself, and the other was for his Umma (Muslims). It is mustahab [6] and produces plenty of thawab to perform the qurban by killing one animal on Rasulullah’s behalf, too.


[1] zakat: (fard duty of giving annually) certain amount of certain kinds of property to certain kinds of people, by which the remaining property becomes purified and blessed and the Muslim who gives it protects himself against being (called) a miser.
[2] fatwa: i) ijtihad (of a mujtahid); ii) conclusion (of a mufti) from books of fiqh whether something not shown in them is permitted or not; answer given to religious questions by Islamic scholars; iii) rukhsa.
[3] Imam: i) profound ‘alim; founder of a madhhab; ii) leader in congregational salat; iii) caliph.
[4] nisab: minimum quantity of specified wealth which makes one liable to do some certain duties.
[5] hadith (sharif): a saying of the Prophet (‘alaihi ‘s-salam).
[6] mustahab: (act, thing) deserving thawab if done but no sin if omitted, nor disbelief if disliked.

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