Tuesday, September 07, 2004

This is how they attack us to propogate Islamaphobia.

In 1968 who assassinated Robert Kennedy?

a) Abbe Hoffman

b) Tiny Tim

c) Charles Manson

d) Muslim male extremist between the age of 17 and 40

In 1972 at the Munich Olympics, athletes were kidnapped and massacred by:

a)Olga Corbutt

b)Sitting Bull

c)Arnold Schwartznegger

d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 1979,the U.S. embassy in Iran was taken over by:

a) Lost Norwegians

b) Elvis Presley

c) A tour bus full of 80-year-old women

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

During the 1980's a number of Americans were kidnapped in Lebanon by:

a) John Dillinger

b) The King of Sweden

c) The Boy Scouts

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 1983, the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut was blown up by:

a) A pizza delivery boy

b) Pee Wee Herman

c) Geraldo Rivera making up for a slow news day

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1985 the cruise ship Achille Lauro was hijacked, and a 70 year old
American passenger was murdered and thrown overboard by:

a) The Smurfs

b) Davy Jones

c) The Little Mermaid

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40.

In 1985 TWA flight 847 was hijacked at Athens, and a U.S. Navy diver was
murdered by:

a) Captain Kid

b) Charles Lindberg

c) Mother Teresa

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 1988, Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed by:

a) Scooby Doo

b) The Tooth Fairy

c) Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid with dynamite left over from the train

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 1993 the World Trade Center was bombed the first time by:

a) Richard Simmons

b) Grandma Moses

c) Michael Jordan

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 1998, the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by:

a) Mr. Rogers

b) Hillary, to distract attention from Wild Bill's women problems

c) The World Wrestling Federation to promote its next villain:

"Mustapha the Merciless"

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 1999, The USS Cole was attacked and more than 15 American Sailors were
killed by:

a) David Letterman

b) Shaquille O'Neil

c) The Cookie Monster

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 2001 Phillipene Missionaries Gracia and Martin Burnham were kidnapped,
held for over a year, and Martin subsequently killed by:

a) Mr. Rogers

b) Scooby Doo & Shaggy

c) Ronald Reagan

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

On 9/11/01, four airliners were hijacked and destroyed and thousands of
people were killed by:

a) Bugs Bunny, Wiley E. Coyote, Daffy Duck, and Elmer Fudd

b) The Supreme Court of Florida

c) Mr. Bean

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 2002 the United States fought a war in Afghanistan against:


b)The Lutheran Church

c)The NFL

d)Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

In 2002 reporter Daniel Pearl was kidnapped and murdered by:

a) Bonny and Clyde

b) Captain Kangaroo

c) Billy Graham

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 40

On July 4th 2002, 2 Innocent Airline Passengers Were Killed, And 3 Others
Injured at the ticket counter of El Al Airlines in the LAX International
terminal by:

a) Hulk Hogan after losing the WWF Title

b) The cast of Monty Python

c) Senator Lil' Tommy Daschle

d) Muslim male extremists mostly between the ages of 17 and 41

Before you try to get the right answer you have to be educated. Before that
can happen you must dispense with your 7th century mindset, toss your
superstitions, and learn some modern academics rather than the useless stuff
in the Quran.

Quran 14.22 And the Shaitan, also known as Muhammad (pbuh), shall say after
the affair is decided: Surely Allah promised you the promise of truth, and I
gave you promises, then failed to keep them to you, and I had no authority
over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me, therefore do not blame
me but blame yourselves: I cannot be your aider (now) nor can you be my
aiders; surely I disbelieved in your associating me with Allah before;
surely it is the unjust that shall have the painful punishment.

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