Sunday, September 03, 2006

800 Forbidden Acts (Al Manhiyat)


Those who save themselves from grave sins and indecencies but to this extent that they approached sins and kept themselves aloof. Verily, the forgiving of your Lord is vast. He knows you well, He created you from the earth and when you were embryos in the bellies of your mothers. Therefore, tell not your souls as pure. He knows well who are pious.
Surah An-Najm(53) Ayat 32

There are 500 acts that the beloved ordered us to do (ma'murat) and 800 acts that the beloved forbade us (manhiyat) from doing;

The beloved said:

"To leave an atom's weight of Allah's prohibations, is more lovely to Allah than worshipping of all sentient beings"

To leave one forbidden act for the sake of Allah, is equivalent to performing all 500 of the ordered actions because to leave one forbidden act is extremely difficult for the nafs (ego)

Imam Al Qushayri noted that, of the 800 forbidden acts mentioned in the holy Quran Sharif, 477 are grave ones (min al kaba'ir/greater sins) he mentioned further that if a person can elimnate the sixteen reprehensible charcteristics which are;

1. Al ghadab (Anger)
2. Hubb ad duniya (Love for world)
3. Al Hiqq (Malice)
4. Al Hasad (Jealousy)
5. Al Ujb (Vanity)
6. Al Bukhl (Stinginess)
7. Al Tamaa (Avarice)
8. Al Jubn (Cowardice)
9. Al Batala (Indolence)
10. Al Kibr (Arrogance)
11. Al Riyaa (Ostentation)
12. Al Hirs (Attachment)
13. Al Adhama (Superiority)
14. Al Ghabawa wa'l Kasala (Heedlessness and lazy)
15. Al Hamm (Anxiety)
16. Al Ghamm (Depression)

It becomes easy to avoid indulding in the remaining forbidden acts. Thus the 800 forbidden acts are considered stemmed from the above.

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