Sunday, September 10, 2006


At the time of a funeral or calamity
1. When you remember any previous calamity, recite

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ilayhi Rajioon

In doing so, you will receive the same reward that you had received previously.

2. Irrespective of how trivial a saddening or distressing matter may be, recite

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna ilayhi Rajioon

You will be rewarded in doing so.

Zakât and Charity
1. As far as possible, give zakât to those who do not go around begging - who remain in their homes out of self-respect and self-honour.

2. Do not be ashamed of giving very little in charity. Give whatever you are able to irrespective of the amount.

3. Do not think: "What is the need of giving zakât or charity?" Whenever the occasion arises, make a resolution and give in charity.

4. By giving charity to your relatives, you receive a double reward - one for giving in charity, and another for being kind and considerate toward your relatives.

5. Always bear in mind your poor neighbours.

6. Do not spend too much in charity from your husband's wealth to the extent that he is displeased.

Recitation of the Quran
1. If you are not fluent in your recitation of the Quran, do not abandon its recitation out of despair. Continue with your recitation. Such a person is rewarded twofold. (one for reading and the second for the extra struggle)

2. When you have learnt the Quran, do not forget it. Instead, continue reciting it. If not, you will be committing a major sin.

3. Recite the Quran with full concentration and with fear for Allah.

Du‘â and Dhikr
1. When making du‘â, bear the following factors in mind:

(a) Make du‘â with full zeal and fervour.

(b) Do not make du‘â for anything sinful.

(c) If there is any delay in the acceptance of your du‘â, do not give it up out of despair. Instead, have full conviction of its acceptance.

2. Do not curse your children, wealth and life out of anger because it is highly possible that it is the time of acceptance of such a curse.

3. Make a concerted effort to remember Allah and His Rasûl sallallâhu ‘alayhi wa sallam at the place at which you sit and discuss worldly affairs or engage in worldly matters. If not, all these matters and affairs will go to waste.

4. Make istighfâr abundantly. In doing so, your difficulties are made easy and there is barakah in your sustenance.

5. If, perchance, you commit any sin, do not delay in making taubah. If you commit a sin again, make taubah again and do not think that since you have acted contrary to your first taubah there is no benefit in making taubah a second time

1. It is extremely detestable to engage in foolish and shameless conversations while fasting. It is even more detestable to make ghîbah.

2. When intending to keep a nafl fast, seek the husband's permission if he is present at home.

3. Increase your ‘ibâdah in the last ten days of Ramadân.

Oaths and Vows
1. Do not take oaths in the name of anyone other than Allah. For example, do not take oaths in the name of your children, your health, your eyes, etc. It is a sin to take such oaths. If you mistakenly utter such oaths, you should immediately recite the kalimah.

2. Similarly, do not take oaths of this nature: "If I am lying, may I lose my îmân", even if what you are saying is the truth.

3. If, out of anger, you take an oath which is sinful to fulfil, then breach such an oath and pay kaffârah, e.g. you take an oath that you will not speak to your father or your mother, or any similar oath.

1. Do not be so greedy for wealth that you forget to distinguish between halâl and harâm. Furthermore, do not waste the halâl wealth that Allah has blessed you with. Instead, spend it sparingly and on occasions of true necessity.

2. If a person who has been afflicted with a certain calamity decides to sell something of his because he is forced to do so (i.e. because he is desperately in need of the cash), then do not oppress him thinking him to be in extreme need. Nor should you ask him to reduce the price of the item. You should either help him or purchase that item from him at an appropriate price.

3. If your debtor is poor, do not distress him further. Instead, grant him a respite. Waive a certain amount of the debt, or better still, waive the entire debt.

4. If you owe money to a person and you have that amount to pay him, then it is extremely sinful and oppressive for you to delay in fulfilling this debt of yours.

5. As far as possible, do not take up any debt upon yourself. If there is no alternative, then always be concerned about paying it back. Do not become neglectful in this regard. If your creditor tells you something (with regard to your debt), keep quiet and listen. Do not counter-attack him nor become angry.

6. It is a very evil habit to conceal something that belongs to someone jokingly and which thereby causes him great distress.

7. Once a labourer has fulfilled his task, do not display any shortfall in paying him.

8. At the time of famine, some people sell their children. It is harâm to turn these children into slaves.

9. If you provide fire-wood (or anything else such as a stove, coal, etc.) to someone in order that he may prepare a meal, or you provide salt to the person in order that she may use it to prepare a meal, it is as if you have provided them with the entire meal.

10. There is great reward in providing drinking water. If you provide drinking water in a place where water is easily obtainable, it is as if you have freed a slave. And if you provide this water in a place where water is scarce, it is as if you have given life to a dead person.

11. If you have to give or receive something from someone or you have someone's amânah in your possession, then mention this to several persons. Alternatively, have this written down so that if you pass away, (all this will be paid) and you will not be owing anything to anyone

1. As regards the marriage of your children, always try and ensure that it is with a religious-minded person. Do not be concerned about wealth and status. These days, many of those who are highly educated from western institutions utter things which amount to kufr. It is not permissible to marry such persons whereby the rest of one's life is spent in immorality.

2. It is the habit of the majority of women to describe other women to their husbands. This is extremely evil. When the husband is attracted to one of these women (who has been described by his wife), this wife will then sit down and cry and regret her action.

3. If a proposal has been sent to a certain family and it is known that they might respond favourably, do not send a proposal on behalf of any of your children. However, if the person abandons his proposal or they respond in the negative; it will be permissible for you to send a proposal there.

4. Allah detests it when the private affairs of the husband and wife are discussed with one's friends and relatives. Many brides and bridegrooms are not cautious in this regard.

5. If a person consults you with regard to a certain person (whom he intends to marry or get married) and asks you for advice, then do not conceal any faults of that person if you have knowledge of them. In such a case, this ghîbah will not be harâm. However, do not unnecessarily find faults with a person.

6. If the husband is in a good financial position and yet he does not give his wife even the basic expenses, it will be permissible for the wife to take his money secretly. However, it is not permissible to take money in this manner in order to purchase something unnecessary or merely to fulfil and uphold worldly customs and habits.

Causing harm to someone
1. If a person is not a qualified doctor, it is not permissible for him to prescribe medicines in which there is a fear of harm. If he does so, he will be committing a sin.

2. It is not permissible to scare anyone with any weapon or dangerous object even if this is done jokingly as there is the possibility of the object slipping out of one's hand (and thereby injuring the person).

3. Do not give a pocket knife to a person while it is open. Either close it and give it to him, or keep it down so that he may pick it up himself.

4. It is a major sin to enclose a dog, cat or any other living creature in such a way that it remains hungry.

5. It is an evil practice to ridicule or taunt a sinful person. However, there is no harm in advising him.

6. It is not permissible to stare or fix one's gaze at an innocent person in such a way that he gets frightened. Note, if this is not permissible, how serious a crime it is to scare someone all of a sudden or "out of the blue".

7. If you wish to slaughter an animal, ensure that the knife is extremely sharp. Do not cause unnecessary harm to the animal.

8. When travelling (on an animal), do not burden the animal excessively. You should not overload it nor should you impose it to run excessively. Once you reach your destination (or rest-place), you should first make arrangements for the animal's fodder, grass, feed, etc.

Day to day Manners

Eating and Drinking
1. Commence eating by reciting Bismillah. Eat with the right hand. Eat the food that is in front of you. However, if there are several things on a platter, such as different types of fruit or different types of sweetmeats, then take whatever you wish and from whichever side you wish.

2. Always lick your fingers. If there is any gravy left over on the plate, clean it as well.

3. If a morsel of food falls from your hand, pick it up, clean it, and eat it. Do not be boastful (by abstaining from picking it up).

4. There are slices of water-melon, grapes and dates or pieces of sweetmeats on the table. In such a case, take one at a time, do not take two-three slices or two-three pieces at a time.

5. If you have eaten anything that is foul-smelling, such as raw onions or garlic, then wash your mouth thoroughly if you intend sitting or being in the company of others.

6. When preparing your daily meals, ensure that you measure all the ingredients such as rice, flour, etc. properly. Do not cook by mere estimation.

7. When you have completed your meal, express your gratitude to Allah.

8. Wash your hands before and after eating. Gargle your mouth as well.

9. Do not eat food that is too hot.

10. Always take the needs of your guests into consideration. If you go somewhere as a guest, do not remain there for so long that you become a burden on your hosts.

11. There are a lot of blessings in eating together.

12. Once you have completed eating, remove the dishes, utensils, food, etc. first and then get up. It is a sign of disrespect to get up before the table has been cleared. If you have completed eating before your companion, you should give him company. Continue eating little by little so that he does not get up hungry out of shyness. If there is any reason for you to get up before him, excuse yourself.

13. It is sunnah to bid your guest farewell till the door.

14. Do not drink water in one gulp. Instead, take it in three sips. When breathing in or out, do not do so in the tumbler. Instead, move your mouth away from the tumbler. Say Bismillâh when drinking and Alhamdulillâh upon completing.

15. Do not drink water from a utensil (or bottle) from which there is a fear that too much of water will flow out. Nor should you drink from a utensil (or bottle) which you do not know what is inside. (e.g. a bottle that is very dark in colour). There is a fear of there being insects, worms, thorns, etc. in such bottles.

16. Do not stand and drink water unnecessarily.

17. If you have to give water to others after you have drunk from it, then give it to the person who is on your right-hand side. This person will then give it to the person who is on his right-hand side. The same rule will apply if you have to distribute anything else, such as betel leaves, perfume, sweetmeats, etc.

18. Do not drink from the side of a utensil which is cracked.

19. Do not allow children to go outside in the evening. At night, close the doors after saying Bismillah. Cover all utensils after saying Bismillah. Switch off all the lights when going to sleep and extinguish all fires as well.

20. If you have to send any food or drink to anyone, cover it and send it.

Clothing (Women)
1. Do not walk around with just one shoe or sandal. Do not cover yourself with a blanket, shawl, etc. in such a way that it is difficult for you to walk or take out your hands (from underneath).

2. Commence wearing your clothes from the right-side. For example, the right sleeve, the right leg, the right shoe, etc. When removing your clothes, commence from the left-side.

3. Upon wearing your clothes, recite the following du‘â. In doing so, your sins will be forgiven..........

4. Do not wear clothes which reveal the aurah. (In which there is no purdah or which show the shape of your body).

5. Do not sit in the company of rich women who wear extravagant clothes and jewellery. In doing so, you will unnecessarily begin to attach importance to this world.

6. Do not consider it disgraceful to wear patched clothes.

7. Clothes should not be worn with too much of formalities and care, nor should they be dirty and untidy. Wear average clothes and keep them clean.

8. Apply oil to your head and comb your hair regularly. However, do not spend too much time in this. Apply henna to your hands.

9. Apply surmah to your eyes three times each.

10. Keep your house clean and tidy.

Sickness and Tending to the Sick

1. Do not compel a sick person to eat and drink.

2. Do not indulge yourself when you are sick (by overstepping the prescribed diet of the sickness).

3. Never use amulets (ta‘wîdh) that are contrary to the Sharî‘ah, nor should you use charms, superstitious remedies, etc.

4. If someone has come under the influence of an evil eye (nazr) and you suspect that the cause of this is a particular person, then ask the person (whom you suspect) to do the following: he should wash his face, both hands up to and including the elbows, both the feet, thighs, and private parts. When this person washes all these parts, the water that falls from his body should be collected. This water should then be poured on the head of the person who has come under the influence of this evil eye. Inshâ Allah, the person will be cured.

5. A person who has been afflicted by sicknesses and diseases which are repulsive to others, such as scabies and white liver, should seclude himself from others so that he does not cause any harm or discomfort to them.

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